Favorite Metal Singer

Originally posted by speed
I love most of the singers everyone else here does- but isnt it odd that most are chosen not so much for their vocal abilities- i mean lets face it Chuck Billy cant sing as well as Geoff Tate- yet I love Chuck Billy's singing- I think it is emotion, and feel of the song. I didnt like Chuck on the ritual- he sounds the same on every song, although on return to serenity he is godly.

I actually have to add the singer for Vio-lence- as the worst thrash metal singer ever.

This is the opinion of a misguided freak. Sean Killian,
Singer of Vio-lece the worst thrash metal singer????
Now I don't care what you
like and don't like but it obviously sounds like
1. You've never seen Vio-lence live
2. You're probably a teenager, if not, you're retarted
3. You weren't around for the old days of Vio-lence
playing the Stone and the Omni.

You obviously don't understand heavy thrashing shredding

Don't go stomping on OLD SCHOOL BAY AREA METAL.

Geoff Tate has become a ball-less pussy. Queensryche
hasn't been shit since 1. DeGarmo Quit 2. Since Empire.
What do you mean Geoff Tate sings better than Chuck Billy?
How old are you? 12.



Who is Right....
First of all it is just my opinion- I happen not to like Sean Killian- in fact I think he is terrible, and almost ruins Vio-lence, a band whose music i enjoy. Surely something or someone you hate, i love- a movie a politcal party, art etc.
And I dont understand why you attacked Geoff Tate, what i was saying is that Tate has far more vocal range than Billy- I am not a vocal expert- but i think it is fairly obvious that Tate is a better vocalist- I then went on to state the reasons I like Chuck Billy better- feel of a song, emotion, and ill add great death metal vocals.
No I am not a teenager, and ive been listening to metal for quite sometime.
No I have not seen Vio-lence live- but i dont see how his vocals could be any better- he sounds way out of tune with every song, and i dont hear any range at all, he sounds like me trying Karoake- But this is my opinion- so back off dude- iam not a record executive or something.
Mikael Akerfeldt (Opeth)<---------That guy has some brutal distorted vocals! He has really good clean vocals too!

Jonas Renkse(Katatonia) I like his voice...he's not anything like Tate or Dane's clean vocals, but he's good.
Speed- Geoff Tate Sucks as a vocalist now.
Didn't you see Queensryche with Halford/Maiden?
He was using a backing tape cause he can't sing
for shit anymore. He should have retired.
yeah I saw the maiden queensryche- halford tour in Cleveland- i was dissapointed in Queensryche, they had such shitty equipment- it was hard to tell if he was using a back up tape or not- yet they played a 1,500 seat club in Cincinnati for the q2k- a bad album- tour and he sounded the same as he always did- still i like most of queensryches albums. Ialso like most of violence's albums- I just hate the singer- he sounds like he is trying to sing like the guy from Forbidden- but just has neither the timing, nor the voice
Speed, Vio-lence makes the most sense when Sean is
singing live. Even though Vio-lence took 8 years off,
Sean Killian's pipes are still COMPLETELY in tact.
Vio-lence is a live band. That's where the energy,
the music, the aggression and Sean Killian come together
and it's fucking the essence of what Bay Area Metal back
in the day is all about. Sean Killian is hardly trying to be
Russ Anderson. Vio-Lence and Forbidden came up around
the same time and have ties together, but I gotta tell you,
I just don't hear the comparison.

Bay Area Metal Rules. Except Machine Head.

Officer Nice- you must be a hardcore Vio-lence fan, damn you worship the Vio-Lence alter. Still think how much better they would have been with Chuck Billy singing, or if they tried maybe Tom Angelripper, or Mille style death vocals. If you say he works live, fine, but you really love this guy. If you would give me a reason why, ill believe he is at least good live.

Anyway any other favorite metal singers?

I forgot to add Danny from Anathema- but they arent even a metal band anymore.
Bruce Dickinson is the King!

Other rulers:

Chuck Billy (I hope I don´t have to tell more)
Phil Anselmo (sounds angry sometimes, heh)
Mikael Åkerfelt (brutal throat!)
Barney Greenwood (likewise)
Jeff Walker (likewise times 666)
John Bush (great, dirty voice)
Guy from Iced Earth, now... Name keeps slipping outta my mind.
Blaze Bailey (not so much Iron Maiden stuff...)
Andre Matos (excellent for what he does: Signs high!)
Kenny / ...And Oceans (grutal throat part. ?)
Michael Kiske (great, simply wonderful clean voice)
James Hetfield

There´s few...
Yeah I'm hardcore for Vio-lence. I'm trying to imagine
Chuck singing would be awesome but I just can't see it
really happening, erk, personally, I don't Vio-lence would
be his bag. I hate to say something narrow like that, but
it's what I think. Chuck's voice is wicked powerful. Mille
from Kreator? Wow, that's a stretch. I don't think the guitar
work Vio-lence is known for would match Mille's vocals.
What really made Bay Area Thrash cool was the energy
and the thrash. Vio-lence commands the stage. When
they walk on and the volume increases the intensity
increases and Sean owns the stage. It's his presence.
He's the General of the Pit. There are 2 ways to see
Vio-lence 1. In the Pit 2. In the Front against the Stage.
Otherwise, It's just not as intense. Vio-lence is a pit band.
Most definitely. When he sings, look at his face. Those aren't
just words written on paper. Those are his words. They're
real. They're in your face. They're honest and they're angry.
And they have not lost their edge. It would have been really
cool to see Robb Flynn re-join Vio-lence but since he turned
out to be a pompous idio poser- nu-metal wanna-be rock
star fag, it was better without his lame Billy idol fag haircut.

A) You were either the tour manager, B) were in the band or C) Somehow related to one of the members.

It's NICE to see such passion written for one's favorite band. You can really feel your anger in the last sentence. :) Bands love fans like you. What other bands do you listen to?
Officer Nice- I think you are right about the vocals- bay area thrash does have that melodicism , that death vocals wouldnt provide. There are alot of bands that are great live- and in your face- is vio-lence that much better than say Slayer live? I cant imagine they would get the crowd more violent and pumped.

i agree with valof valhalla- i got my little brother who is now 18, into megadeth- and he reminds me of you Officer Nice- he has like every bootleg cd etc, and just loves the band or well mustaine ellefson, and whomever mustaine got along with at the time, but even he will admit certain albums suck, etc. I think you maybe are a little too zealous.
Originally posted by Valofvalhalla
A) You were either the tour manager, B) were in the band or C) Somehow related to one of the members.

Actually, D) None of the Above! Bee-lieve it!

It's NICE to see such passion written for one's favorite band. You can really feel your anger in the last sentence. :)

Well Hell, Everyone knows Robb was in Forbidden wrote
songs like "Chalice of Blood" and then went and then went
and did Vio-lence. It was crap he left but cool that he did
two decent Machine Head albums but when that 3rd disc
"The Burning Butthole" came out and Robb Flynn was
suddenly a blonde haired homo doing rap-cock-rock it was
more severe than Metallica doing "nothing else matters"
which is a bigger piece of shit song than "enter sandman"
which has to be a bigger fag song than say All of Winger's
Catalog. Yes I hate on Metallica So, getting to the point,
Robb Flynn Sold out and I am going on record to say he'll
try to make Machine Head's next disc more like "Burn My
Eyes" ....didn't anyone else find it interesting to see his
hair isn't a blonde billy idol thing and that their upcoming
live album track listing was modified to include 2 old songs
ditching 2 songs off their last piece of crap "Supercharger"
Robb knows he fucked up and fucked over the tradition of
Bay Area Metal. Stupid fucking loser idiot. Makes you
realize that Logan Mader was right about Robb and
Robb as usual is a 4-foot nothing clown.

Sorry for the rant.

Bands love fans like you. What other bands do you listen to?

Right on. thanks! :)

I dig on:

In Flames
Old Slayer (anything past 92 is shit)
Old Exodus
Death Angel
Angel Dust
Nuclear Assault
Skinlab (before new "Revolting Room")
Megadeth -the only thing > I < personally liked after
Rust in Peace was Youthenasia.
Sepultura (nothing past "Roots")
Metallica (1983-1987)
Sanctuary (anyone remember?)
Black Sabbath (ozzy, Dio, Tony Martin)
Anthrax (anything after "White Noise" is crap I think)
Pantera (Shamefully I admit I did not like "Reinventing...")
Danzig (except Danzig 5)
Vicious Rumors (Nothing past Cyberchrist )
Grave Digger
Gamma Ray
Iron Savior
Judas Priest (Nothing past Jugulator)

Whew. That's most of it.

So, what do you listen to?
Originally posted by speed
Officer Nice- I think you are right about the vocals- bay area thrash does have that melodicism , that death vocals wouldnt provide. There are alot of bands that are great live- and in your face- is vio-lence that much better than say Slayer live?

Um, well, that's a toughie. Slayer and Vio-lence are
somewhat different. Slayer definitely is darker, more
aggressive and nobody wrote riffs like Slayer did
between 1985-1991. If this a black-and-white question,
I cannot deny the power and the fury that is Slayer.

i agree with valof valhalla- i got my little brother who is now 18, into megadeth- and he reminds me of you Officer Nice- he has like every bootleg cd etc, and just loves the band or well mustaine ellefson, and whomever mustaine got along with at the time, but even he will admit certain albums suck, etc. I think you maybe are a little too zealous.

I suppose there are worse things I could be than overzealous.

officer Nice- we ha ve some nice arguments, and after reading your list of favorite bands, i have to say i listen to about every one of those bands but Skinlab, Angel Dust, Grave Digger and very very occasionally i listen to the one gamma Ray Cd I have. Who is heathen by the way- never heard of them?

Besides the bands you mentioned- I listen to a wide variety of metal, and non metal- but metal bands that you did not mentionI listen to
Celtic Frost
Green Carnation
Dan Swano
and Oceans
Isis- just got the new one
At the Gates
The Haunted
My Dying Bride
morbid Angel
Vanden Plas
black label Society
Symphony X
Maudlin of the Well
Dark Tranquility
Ok well i forget a few, but i ve got too many cds and bands to count, i think these are the ones i play most
anyway is there anything else we can argue about- maybe best Testament album, best thrash band, biggest sell out etc. Slayer after 92, anything. I think we should start a new thread if you think of one.
  1. Ronnie James Dio(I shouldn't have to explain this one)
  2. Maynard James Keenan from Tool(if you don't consider them metal ,fuck you. I do and I think he's fantastic)
  3. Mikael Akerfeldt from Opeth(Excellent Death metal growl+great clean vocals)
  4. James Hetfield
  5. Chuck Billy(great range and he has quite a death growl when he uses it!)
  6. Serj from System Of A Down( When he sings this guy is fucking excellent!)
Originally posted by Triumphant Apostle
  1. Serj from System Of A Down( When he sings this guy is fucking excellent!)

  1. Serj is definately different. My husband calls SOAD, System of a Downsyndrome. At first I didn't lilke the comment, then I said, Oh well, what the hell. I laughed. :lol: :lol: :lol: