Favorite Movie Scenes?

at the begining of CHASING AMY
the black in-the-closet gay celeb guy pretending he hates all white people so that his black fans won't find out he's gay with every panicing cuz it looks like the black guy has just shot Jason Lee's character to death with everyone running out of the room except Ben Afleck who is just sitting in a chair looking bored
at the begining of CHASING AMY
the black in-the-closet gay celeb guy pretending he hates all white people so that his black fans won't find out he's gay with every panicing cuz it looks like the black guy has just shot Jason Lee's character to death with everyone running out of the room except Ben Afleck who is just sitting in a chair looking bored

The best part of that video was Scarlett Johansson's.. everything. She was extra hot in that movie, that was the first time I ever took notice of her:)
i heard he likes explosions
I do to.

The best part of that video was Scarlett Johansson's.. everything. She was extra hot in that movie, that was the first time I ever took notice of her:)

If you have not seen the movie I recommend watching it. I am starting to become a CGI fan now. Ever since The Avengers and what they did with just a green screen ILM was like fuck it we will just build New York, instead of just building small blocks.
True Romance, one of my all time favourites.

The scene where Clarence comes to pick up Alabama's things.. Fantastic role of Gary Oldman playing Alabama's psycho pimp.

Also from true romance "Sicilians". Dennis Hopper and Christopher Walken.

Again from True Romance, fucking intense scene of Alabama (Patricia Arquette) and James Gandolfini:

That movie is totally up there with the likes of Pulp Fiction.
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