Favorite Opeth solo...

Godhead´s Lament, the solo rules. Not only a good solo but the chord progression rules too.

Just listened to Orchid. Apostle´s solo is fine too.

Moonlapse is one of my favs.

In Mist She Was Standing.

Not to mention Funeral Portrait´s latter one...
I'm sure it's not a solo, but the end of April Ethereal (7:34 approx) is my favorite. I get chills every, every single time, tears in my eyes, the whole emotional bit.
I have a bunch of favorites.

The solo in April Ethereal is sooooo good! And that little drum break too. I luve it.

The solos in Forest Of October roxxxors!

The solo at the end of The Funeral Portrait is sweet.

I think the solo in The Leper Affinity kick ass!

And finally I do love the solo in White Cluster.

:rock: :hotjump: :rock:
Solos haven't been the same since Orchid. Twilight and Apostle and Forest all have amazing solos - they flow and carry you along..

The last solos in both Apostle and Twilight are my favourites, they never seem extraneous and are always willing to please ;)
i want to congratulate these guys for making possible to answer this kind of question about opeth.. :)
i only think about it 5-6 seconds and there were more than 5 songs...it's impossible to choose a best..that's why it's opeth.it's the best itself....