Alex78 said:
wtf is shock rock? who the fuck are you?

I think the first 'Shock Rock' things was Alice Cooper; it's kind of non-existant now i would have thought, given that it's, unfortuantely, fairly hard to be shocked by too much these days.


own it.
Danallica said:
it's kind of non-existant now i would have thought

Marilyn Manson is the only major one I can think of. The first Manson album is actually really good.
Hey ass wipes, are we going to have to revisit the "if you don't have anything good to say, stay out of the thread" issue YET AGAIN?! Grow the hell up already and keep your mouths SHUT if you don't like a thread's topic.
Danallica said:
^ to a degree. Do you really find their antics that shocking though?
I don't today but if I was listening to them around their heyday I would because "shock rock bands" had never gone that far as to commiting federal crimes, all they had done mostly was just minor offenses and shock people, not really do as their music says.
bluewizard said:
I don't today but if I was listening to them around their heyday I would because "shock rock bands" had never gone that far as to commiting federal crimes, all they had done mostly was just minor offenses and shock people, not really do as their music says.

For sure, I concur; but my point was that nowadays most, certainly those in Metal circles, wouldn't find that kind of behavoiur shocking.