hi dbrax... mike called me just yesterday for some advice on mixing.. specifically he felt his lead tracks were too dry. i'll repeat my suggestion to him here just in case he didn't understand fully... you can read it directly instead of having it filtered through mike's memory banks...
create a new aux channel and set up a delay plug set at 100% wet mix on one of it's insert points.
choose an unused bus pair as the input source for that aux channel.
go to each of the solo tracks and set up their channel's Sends to ouput through the same bus you set up for the delay/aux's inputs. set the Sends ouput controls on each of the lead channels to send just a little bit of the solo over to the delay at all times... just a subtle amount, to taste.. go easy as it will be present all the time.....
then change the outputs of each lead/solo channel to output through yet another unused bus pair.
create another aux channel and set it's input to the same bus pair you chose in the last step.... you've created a "lead guitar group" .
on your new lead guitar group channel set the sends to output to the delay aux channel created in the first step. turn the send control up until you hear a nice, tasteful, but much less subtle delay than what you set up on the individual solo channels. then mute the send.....
now just put the lead guitar group channel in automation record mode and play the track through the solo... unmuting the send on key notes at the ends of phrases... and any longer sustained notes regardless of where they are in the phrase...
when you are done you will have a nice delay on the ends of phrases and on key longer notes... that doesn't clutter up the rest of the solo... and the subtle delay that is on the whole time will give the solo a nice ambient delay that will make it sound more alive... add a touch of reverb as well if you like, but be, you guessed it....subtle.
be sure to take the channel out of automation record mode and you can then change the actual send level to taste as you listen back.
you could also record dynamic moves with the Send fader/knob if that's your preference and/or you need different delay levels on different notes.
i hope that helps and wasn't insultingly basic for you. good luck on the recording, i'm sure mike will send it my way as soon as it's done.