The one and only "guess that metal song in a medly done by the Booby" thread!!!

:lol: haha.. i still need to work on the tone a bit James.. the palmmutes are okay i guess, but it beats any amp i have heard so far.. :p

CJ.. yeah, through the POD.. it worked.. umh, quite well.. :cool:

Everything is done with my nasal voice, (except kick and snare, well, actually, i had them done with my voice as well, but i sampled the vocal hits for better results!) and some of you might have noticed that i put a ibanez tubescreamer in front of the "guitars"! It's all true what they say, it works like a charm!

Also notice the thick warm solo tone on the kazoo karkass songs like Bill Steer had it as well?.. but a bit better all around.. :p
Question: how many different kazoo tracks did you put down and were they cereal box or claw machine kazoos?