Well, all, we've had plenty of time to let the album sink in. I'm sure most of you have listened to it multiple times by now. Sound off on your favorite track!
You know it's "All for Me"
You know it's "All for Me"
I think the main reason I love A New Dawn so much is that it's the perfect climax song, with the whole album doing an amazing job of building up to it, and to me it's the most emotional. And then Anders still goes with the heaviest vocals of the album for it. Also, the "getting somewhere with no directions" scream is just phenomenal.
Totally agree with all of this. You can tell that Jester's Door was the crossover point (very emotional) and the album gets bright and energetic with A New Dawn. Another reason I love the flow of this album.
TJD is good intro for A New Dawn... And Liberation is nice, calm track to come after such a powerful song.