Favorite Trash Metal Song


May 18, 2009
Everyone post your favorite thrash metal song or songs.

Mine are
1. Annihalation of Civilization- Evildead
2. Bonded By Blood- Exodus
3.Rust in Peace... Polaris- Megadeth
Tough to pick one....

"The Spell Can't be Broken" - Metal Church has to be up there. Although, they were somewhere in between thrash and powermetal, that song was definitely on the thrash side. Great tune.
"Climbing the Walls" - Wrathchild America is also a big one for me. Those guys never made it very big, but that was a huge song for thrash metal.
"Seasons in the Abyss" - Slayer...... yeah by their standards it was a ballad, but that may be why it was so good, because until that point, we had never heard Slayer tone it down to that level and it worked for them. That song was great !!
"Shattered" - Pantera.... hard to pick one song from CFH because there were many killer tracks.
"Nice Dreams" - Powermad..... well since I picked a thrash song from a powermetal band, I might as well pick a powermetal song from a thrash band. This wasn't as heavy as many other tracks from Powermad, but I think it was their best song.
"Lucretia" - Megadeth.... hard to choose a song from Dave and the boyz, but I really dig this one.
"Dyer's Eve" - Metallica..... this song is heavy and fast. I wish they had more songs like that after that release.
"In Search of Sanity" - Onslaught. Although I really only dug two songs from that release, that was one cool song. Steve Grimmett was one hell of a singer.

Slayer - Postmortem
Vio-lence - Phobophobia
Overkill - Elimination / I Hate
Megadeth - My Last Words
Agent Steel - Bleed for The Godz
Kreator - Flag Of Hate
Metallica - Escape
Testament - Trial By Fire
Exodus - And Then There Were None
Flotsam & Jetsam - I Live You Die
Piledriver - Metal Inquisition
Exciter - Cry Of The Banshee
Annihilator - Human Insecticide
Anthrax - Medusa
All the above plus a few of my favorites....
I'm sure this might seem a bit odd considering all the brutal death metal/goregrind stuff that's really obscure that I listen to... but it's gotta be Ride the Lightning.

Also, lol @ trash metal.
Artillery - In the Trash
Artillery - Back in the Trash
Artillery - Out of the Trash
Black Shepherd - Trash
Messiah - Powertrash
1. Awakening of the Gods- Kreator
2. Napalm in the Morning- Sodom
3. Chemi-Kill- Exodus
4. War Ensemble- Slayer
jesus this is too hard, but that is my top 4 anyway...
I hadn't jump on this one before because I can't possibly pick one song in the thrash sub-genre, but since many have come with lists, I will add my favorites thrash tunes:

Coroner - ' Pale Sister'

Testament - 'Low'
Abandoned - 'Visions Of Death'
Intruder - 'Agents Of The Dark (M.I.B.)'
Forbidden - 'Chalice Of Blood'
Death Angel - 'Spirit'
Heathen - 'Opiate Of The Masses'
Hallows Eve - 'Death And Insanity'
Horcas - 'Solución Suicida'
Metallica - 'Whiplash'
Megadeth - 'Tornado Of Souls'

and I'm sure a lot more but those pop in my mind right now.