favourite band?

Hi ladies and gentlemen. I came from the Nevermore board. I really like AD a lot and I have all their five albums (even though the two first go a long way back in time, I like them a lot).

My 3 favorite bands are:
JUDAS PRIEST (of any time '74 - today, they kick ass)
FATES WARNING (again of any time)
Originally posted by Silkie
thought I name another three :)

(Morgana) Lefay
Tad Morose
Hey! that is cheating!:mad:
Here is another three by me:

Here! Now we 're even.
Only one complain:
so many favorites left out!

BTW LEFAY and TAD MOROSE (especially "A Mended Rhyme") kick serious ass!:headbang:
Hey metalized,
great you like Tad Morose and Lefay :)
I'm going to tell them that ;)
Gonna meet them soon - both bands, I do their official FC too!
Originally posted by Silkie
Hey metalized,
great you like Tad Morose and Lefay :)
I'm going to tell them that ;)
Gonna meet them soon - both bands, I do their official FC too!
It is a curse living in Greece, since I don't believe I will ever get to see them live. You see they happen to be two of my favorite bands of europe and it is daydreaming for me the hope to see them live. Anyway, do you know if LEFAY are reunited? I really was shocked with the news of their disband. And please let me know to inform the guys in the Nevermore forum, since there are a lot of Lefay's friends therein!
Howdy. I too come from the Nevermore board but i'll be popping in here from time to time as well, being that Angel Dust is a great band.
My 3 favorite bands are:
Iron Maiden
Nevermore/Savatage (i can't decide on these 2, i've been debating in my mind for months but can't come to a conclusion)
Iced Earth
glad to see I'm not the only (Morgana) Lefay fan. It's too bad I only discovered them about the time they broke up. Luckily Century Media started carrying their catalog, so I now own most of their albums. They're not my absolute favorite, but they're awesome.

Favorite 3:
Flotsam and Jetsam
(In demonic voice)

Dear Silkie
I would like to inform you that the user that is registered under the name "a guy..." has just thrown one of the most terrible curses at you. I suggest that you quarantine your self in an isolated tropical island so that you eliminate the chances of CoF moving next to you (these guys just can't stand the heat because their make up will melt and fluids will be all over their faces). As for your plants, I am sorry to let you know that they will die, unless you find a real good exorcist and spray them with holy wine.
Also I recomend playing loud STRYPER, SAINT, TREASURE SEEKER, LIGHTMARE so that the curse might pass away.
Finally I would like to express my disappointment in the realising how bad can people be.
And next to your vomit lies mine. Just don't step on it.

With sincere feelings of compassion and brotherhood,

PS: Beware the evil creatures that claim that CoF is metal.
@a guy...: Don't you agree that you are very nasty? I mean his plants? Cmon man, that is cruel!

That was great...but did you have to go and let Silkie in on all this and ruin the fun???

(concocts a new curse)

Silkie, if you move to a tropical island to escape the COF curse, may Nevermore play a concert in your yard and cause your house to explode!

Yes not quite as effective as the COF herbicide, but the best I could do in the time!
Don't worry bro. We will attend that gig and help Silkie rebuild his ruins just for the fun of it. Provided that there will be a lot of beer and tropical girlies to keep our mood high.
For a start, I don't need to move to the tropical island :)
I mean beer sounds good but the rest... I prefer men, metal ones! :loco:
Dani can't touch me, it's more like he has to run if he would move into my neighbourhood... *LOL*
My plants would love to have Dani for dinner... :devil:

By the way I'm female :D
:lol: I think I shocked them...

Hey Josh and metalize :)
I do like quite a lot of BM and BM influrenced bands, as I'm a pagan heart myself! BUT Jodh COF is one of the few bands which make me puke due to dump Dani
Originally posted by Silkie
By the way I'm female :D
{hangs head in shame and cries because of the terrible mistake}:cry: {but then arises his head and with fire in his eyes, stares Silkie and comments:}My kind of woman definatelly! :lol:
Originally posted by a guy...

That was great...but did you have to go and let Silkie in on all this and ruin the fun???

(concocts a new curse)

Silkie, if you move to a tropical island to escape the COF curse, may Nevermore play a concert in your yard and cause your house to explode!

Yes not quite as effective as the COF herbicide, but the best I could do in the time!
This is not curse. This is blessing.
^ LOL yes unfortunately I only realized this until after the incantation was completed...but the old "we'll be the cleanup crew" idea sounds promising!:lol:
Originally posted by Silkie
:lol: I think I shocked them...

Hey Josh and metalize :)
I do like quite a lot of BM and BM influrenced bands, as I'm a pagan heart myself! BUT Jodh COF is one of the few bands which make me puke due to dump Dani

Now why does everyone hate Dani, I don't understand???:confused:

Well look at the bright side...if you ever get choked while eating, we'll play you some COF to get that food right out!:loco: