Favourite Band

That's good to hear, WHBWH was pretty awesome. Do they still play stuff from Silent Enigma and such these days or have they abandoned that?

It would be so cool to see them going from Restless Oblivion to Thin Air live :lol:.
Well, their latest album is a compilation of re-recordings from Silent Enigma and such so there you go.

But if you expect them to play doom metal; it's not going to happen.
Yeah I know they've been doing re-recordings, but that's not the same.

It sucks when bands turn their back on their older stuff.
It sucks when bands turn their back on their older stuff.

It sure does *cough* Symphony X *cough*

I give Opeth credit, though, because even though Mikael doesn't like the "medieval lute" sound of their first two albums, they've played a few songs from each live over the last few years. Now if only Romeo would try something like that, only with Symphony X's first six albums.
I don't necessarily think so.

How come? It's not like every band needs to play a career-spanning, greatest hits-type of set on every tour (I might even prefer thematic tours), but I can't see anything positive in dropping a part of your catalogue permanently. Change doesn't have to mean becoming narrow-mindedly obsessed with the new direction. A band like Anathema should view the fact that they've written such different albums over the years as one of the band's strenghts.
I'm sure they do. A quote from Danny Cavanagh (regarding Falling Deeper):

"One thing we get accused of quite a lot is abandoning our past, we get a lot of that from our oldschool fans saying 'you're not metal anymore' and all that stuff, but we we were never really metal. It was a phase for a couple of years where we... But, metal is a part of our heritage and part of our roots... I still love Iron Maiden to this day, I still got space in my heart for the best Metallica songs. It's just that we were always more open than that. Even on the earliest record you can see there was a totally acoustic ballad there ---- What we've done here is been able to say to a few people 'if you think we're abandoning our past; what about this?"

I believe artists should be free to perform music they feel comfortable with and what they feel represents where they are right now as a band. I feel their music offers enough variety for them not to be required to bring a pair of low-tuned guitars to their tour and squeeze a couple of old doom metal tracks in their set just to please some metal fans.
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Of course they don't need to please the metal fans and they can play whatever they want. That's how it should be.

But I don't see why they would completely turn their back on the early stuff and never play it again. Why should they be so uncomfortable with it, they're the ones that wrote the stuff! They have to have some kind of emotional ties to the old songs because they certainly sound like they were written with heart and soul.

Dropping the old stuff (again, not for a tour, not for a while, but completely) just makes it seem like

a) They're ashamed of it and don't want to play it in front of newer fans.
b) They don't really like those songs anyway (and never did in the sincerest of ways).

I don't mean any disrespect to a great band, I just think decisions like this suck.
Lol, obviously they think that the stuff was good enough to be re-recorded with new arrangements.

I can kind of see where you're coming from, but I just can't see it as abandoning your past if you freaking re-record the stuff. And, need I say, they've played the new arrangements live this year. What this seems to imply, to me, is that they wanted to do these re-arrangements to be able to play the old stuff, but with a style that would be more in line with what they are doing today.