Favourite Band

Lol, you guys. You could have least went with Animals or Meddle if you didn't want to give credit to their two most popular albums.

And what does fan reaction have to do with a band's music being worth listening to?

Well, step 1 is slam the fans, step 2 is slam the band.

Animals: Boring as fuck.
Meddle: Meh-ddle.

I suppose it sounds better if you're into illicit substances, but for me, critically listening to that stuff is a waste of time I could spend listening to exciting, interesting music. For example, Wish You Were Here is fucking awful boring, Dark Side is incredibly overhyped and overexposed, and The Wall is the dead horse that other dead horses look at and exclaim in their dead horse-voices "at least we ain't HIM, mate."

They are not bad bad bad albums. But there is such a mountain of music out there that is BETTER by miles, that it boggles the mind considering how high a pedestal that pile sits on.
Then again, how much other music is there out there that's overhyped to hell and back over really great music?
If they are overhyped, then they're one of the better overhyped bands out there.
Pretty much, but it still doesn't mean nothing. Not to me at least.
I love Pink Floyd; I feel like not many people that did what they did for their time period as well as they did it.
And Wish You Were Here, be it boring or whatever, still means a lot to me. I have my reasons. Not the best song in the world, but it doesn't need to be the best song in the world to speak to someone.
Also, it kinda changes the situation when my mom tells you that she cries when she hears it because she thinks of my dad. So I have an unfair bias towards it. And Pink Floyd in general. They're just kind of up there in that category of bands that I have a sort of undying respect for for so many reasons. (Along with The Beatles.) Not because they're the best musicians or because they're the coolest band, but because I like their songs, and I can see why they had such a huge influence on the music world.
They are not bad bad bad albums. But there is such a mountain of music out there that is BETTER by miles, that it boggles the mind considering how high a pedestal that pile sits on.
Alright, that's fine. I'm not really a huge fan of theirs, but what boggles the mind is that you could find The Division Bell to be worth listening to and not any of those other albums. It just seemed you selected one of the least praised albums just for the sole reason that it isn't popular. Yes, the stretch of albums from Dark Side to The Wall are some of the most over-hyped records in existence, but come on. They attained that status for a reason.
Well, step 1 is slam the fans, step 2 is slam the band.

So step 1: be a jerk
step 2: be a jerk some more
step 3: gain nothing

Also, you seem to have somehow developed this perverted idea that music is a competition.

And Wish You Were Here, be it boring or whatever, still means a lot to me. I have my reasons.

Also, it kinda changes the situation when my mom tells you that she cries when she hears it because she thinks of my dad. So I have an unfair bias towards it. And Pink Floyd in general.

Not because they're the best musicians or because they're the coolest band, but because I like their songs

That's not an unfair bias, all of that precisely what music is about.
Alright, that's fine. I'm not really a huge fan of theirs, but what boggles the mind is that you could find The Division Bell to be worth listening to and not any of those other albums. It just seemed you selected one of the least praised albums just for the sole reason that it isn't popular. Yes, the stretch of albums from Dark Side to The Wall are some of the most over-hyped records in existence, but come on. They attained that status for a reason.

Yeah, probably because at the time, people got super high and this kind of music augmented that experience. Or some kind of cult status following that exploded into the mainstream. I'll grant them the success, but I disagree that with the masses.

Division Bell is the best one they did because the songs are well-conceived, mature, essential. Stripped of superfluous wandering, distilled. PF fans instead feel that it was the death of the band as it also appears more commercial. In my opinion, it was instead the culmination and it's a tragedy that the same tired old tunes continue to receive glorification whilst even having the opinion otherwise garners this sort of blood-pack forum response. It's like I just walked into your church and said God is a lie. :zzz:
You call this a blood-pack response? You insult the fans of classic Floyd, call the music "boring as fuck", "fucking awful boring" etc. and everyone still responds in a calm manner.

It's like you just walked into our church shouting "god is a lie" with the specific purpose of pissing us off and failed.
Well yeah, people got super high and stuff and that made the experience cooler to a lot of people.
Who else was around though at the time that Pink Floyd came around, that was doing what they were doing on the level they were doing it at?
Answer Harris: a lot of bands.

Sauna, touche. It just irks me that the band is considered untouchable when they have so many faults, and calling out those faults only elicits the reply "yeah but they're pink floyd!" It's like the Apple debate.
Or you could just not be a jerk and give an example.
Because none of the 70's prog bands I can think of right now sound anything like Pink Floyd.
Then again, given I haven't heard literally every single track off of every single record to come from the 70's, it's hard for me to give an example myself.
Or you could just not be a jerk and give an example.
Because none of the 70's prog bands I can think of right now sound anything like Pink Floyd.
Then again, given I haven't heard literally every single track off of every single record to come from the 70's, it's hard for me to give an example myself.

Eloy has a few albums that sound very close to PF if not exactly like them...

There's one band if that helps...
I can't get into PF, but Gilmour influenced a lot of neo-prog guitarists that I enjoy, Nick Barrett in particular.

There are lots of Polish bands that loooooove PF and Marillion but IMO play much better than either.