Favourite distortion

BWP by a long shot. Especially on the title track...

Still Life, while not of the best quality would have to be a distant second.
If i had to choose between Deliverance, Ghost Reveries and Watersehed I'd say GR
I find the guitar tone of GR and WS not at all similar and I don't hear much death metal on Watershed anyway as someone else mentioned. I find the guitar sound somewhat watered down and not as upfront as on GR.
Ecxept for Heir Aparrent and parts of Lotus Eater there's not much heaviness on Watershed as a whole which I feel is a step backwards for Opeth, yet I can understand why many like the new one.
It's just the first time that I am not overly exited about a new Opeth release and that is a huge letdown, if you compare it to most of the other stuff.
The distortion on Blackwater Park is sweet, probably the best!
Somehow in my opinion, Andy Sneap's mixing is little 'scooped in Deliverance. Just like Nevermore, Dead Heart in a Dead World & This Godless Endeavor.
I find the guitar tone of GR and WS not at all similar and I don't hear much death metal on Watershed anyway as someone else mentioned. I find the guitar sound somewhat watered down and not as upfront as on GR.
Ecxept for Heir Aparrent and parts of Lotus Eater there's not much heaviness on Watershed as a whole which I feel is a step backwards for Opeth, yet I can understand why many like the new one.

Dude... no offense but do you have ears? The guitars are x100000 times heavier than on GR. Are you sure you're listening to the right album?
Dude... no offense but do you have ears? The guitars are x100000 times heavier than on GR. Are you sure you're listening to the right album?

i have to agree with hibernal on this one. I think the distorted sound on Watershed is bigger. The main two songs that come to mind are, yes, lotus eater and heir apparent. While both albums sound great, i think watershed beats gr for overall heaviness. And yes, i agree with you on morningrise's distorted tone. i took another listen and thought about what you posted with the dry and wet stuff.
Dude... no offense but do you have ears? The guitars are x100000 times heavier than on GR. Are you sure you're listening to the right album?

For example 20 seconds into Lotus Eater: The guitars are relatively buried under the vocals and the keys AND the drums. The part at 1:16 where there's a simple, usually audible riff the guitars don't sound very upfront aswell. It's just one of "many" instruments in the mix.
Because of this, the guitars simply don't have that "chunk", that they have on GR, if you know what I mean.
It's not even a great deal quieter but it makes a big difference as a whole IMO.
I like Deliverance personally. The best "guitar tone" moment, I think, of any Opeth song would be the intro to Master's Apprentices-- ignoring whether you like the song in general or that really heavy style at all, the very first in your face, powerful chords are amazing, guitar sound wise.
Weird that some people are saying Deliverance. That would be my least favourite. It sounds forced and artificial, which I think is due to SW's inexperience working with such heavy music.
What distortion did they use on Orchid/Morningrise?

Jackson RRs, Marshall JCM-800 2205s, and Boss HM-2 Heavy Metals, i think there are some tube screamers in the mix too.

I think maybe that you're thinking about the production quality, which still isn't as bad as pretty much any Black Metal band.

But I'd have to say Orchid/Morningrise era.

Honestly I cannot stand the distortion on Still Life, I don't know what it is about it.

I don't know. It just sounds very black metally to me, since they used a lot of the high freq and a decent bit of distortion, it just has that black metal feel to it i guess. I don't mind the distortion on still life, it's not my fav, but not something i'd call shit.

Weird that some people are saying Deliverance. That would be my least favourite. It sounds forced and artificial, which I think is due to SW's inexperience working with such heavy music.

I agree with you there too. It sounds really processed to me, not like on bwp where it's all balls out single channel dist turned up to ungodly high levels :kickass::headbang:. I guess that's because they used the PODs a lot. And that just mystifies me with wilson, because his porcupine tree tone sounds great.
Deliverance era distortion and the overall dry sound really impresses me time after time. Wilson truly managed to create amazing sounds... such a black and white sound.
Overall I'd say I liked the guitar tones of Ghost Reveries the most, they sound really thick and powerful from my speakers. I have to say I don't like the Deliverance tones too much..sounds a little fake and weak to me, and I never had a problem with the guitar tones on Still Life.
Nope. The tone is rather dry which complements Mike's equally dry voice, and balanced with the wet bass and crisp drums. Beautiful.

It is interesting how the different tones complement each other and create that sort of bleak atmosphere, but i always thought the bass tone was bleh...not sure how to describe it, flat i guess? I do love Defarfallas lines though.

Anyway, on topic, since Heir Apparent slays me everytime, I guess I'll have to go with Watershed's distortion.