Favourite Film/Movie Quotes


Huge Member
Feb 13, 2008
Simple enough. Here's one of my favourites.

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diddy, that is one of my all time favourite films, it's fucking beautiful


its my favourite film ever. Pure perfectionnn :D:)
"None of you understand. I'm not locked up in here with you. You're locked up in here with me."

"This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll whisper "no.""

"Funny, ancient pharaohs looked forward to the end of the world. Hoping the cadavers would rise, and reclaim hearts from golden jars. Must currently be holding breath in anticipation."

All by Rorshach from the Watchmen

Necrobutcher (Mayhem): Could you repeat the question?
Sam Dunn: Alot of people think that Black Metal is starting to lose touch with its roots...
Necrobutcher (Mayhem): [cuts Sam off] Which ones? Who are they? Who the fuck are you talking to? FUCK THEM! Ya know...
Sam Dunn: ...Do you have a comment on that?
Necrobutcher (Mayhem): Yeah, I got a comment... FUCK YOU!... Ya know?

Ever since I was 12 years old I had to defend my love for heavy metal against those who say it's a less valid form of music. My answer now is that you either feel it or you don't. If metal doesn't give that overwhelming surge of power that make the hair stand up at the back of your neck, you might never get it, and you know what? That's okay, because judging by the 40,000 metalheads around me we're doing just fine without you.

Sam Dunn: What is the primary ideologies or primary ideas that fuel Gorgoroth's music?
Gaahl: [long dramatic pause] SATAN...
[drinks from wine glass]

No need to state what movie those quotes are from

And I know this isn't from a movie, but I must post it

"So you're the one that the Boss keeps talking about."
"How the fuck am I funny? What the fuck is so funny about me? Tell me, tell me what's funny"
Not really a movie person, but I'll give it a go :

"Next time baby!" from Iron Man. Only a nerd like me would get it lol

Anna: The world is quieter now. We just have to listen. If we listen, we can hear God's plan.
Neville: God's plan.
Anna: Yeah.
Neville: All right, let me tell you about your "God's plan". Six billion people on Earth when the infection hit. KV had a ninety-percent kill rate, that's five point four billion people dead. Crashed and bled out. Dead. Less than one-percent immunity. That left twelve million healthy people, like you, me, and Ethan. The other five hundred and eighty-eight million turned into your dark seekers, and then they got hungry and they killed and fed on everybody. Everybody! Every SINGLE person that you or I has ever known is dead! Dead! There is no god!
From "I Am Legend".

" 'Twas beauty killed the beast". King Kong lol
Sulu: What's the word sir?
Kirk: The Word? Is no. Therefore I am going anyway. - Star Trek III The Search For Spock

Gimme the fuckin bomb! - Mutant Chronicles (it was the guy that played The Punisher in the first film that said it. I can't remember the character's name just now)

I feel terrible. - Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (Han Solo with probably quite an understatement, having just been tortured.)

The whole "Would sir like an after dinner mint?" scene from Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life. Not so much a quote but it really has to be seen.

Damn it Otacon! Get a grip! - Snake from MGS4 Act 4 after Otacon calls him on the Codec and tells him to swap discs (as in MGS).