Favourite opeth riff?

Here we go...

1. The first lead in Bleak, when the song kicks into gear (starts at :20).
2. Deliverance outro (I may love the drumming more than I love the riff itself).
3. The funk portion in The Lotus Eater.
4. The little acoustic bit in Heir Apparent (starts at 3:55)
5. The Baying of the Hounds intro/verse riff AND the really dissonant harmony they play right before the first mellow bit (3:04-3:15)

and finally

6. Every riff in The Drapery Falls. Goooood shit.
the amen corner - 3:13
serenity painted death - 0:00
heir apparent - 7:21
a fair judgement - 5:45
leper affinity - 0:28
leper affinity - 1:29

fucking periodddd