Opeth has to be better on this!

Mar 18, 2002
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Ok... Opeth doesnt want to be commercial and sometimes its good and sometimes bad.

I dont understand how they can just throw away that opening riff to "by pain i see in others". Its in my opinion a great riff even one of the best parts on the whole album and when i starts and goes some time (little time) it dissapears and "non-commercial" material starts to ruin the beutiful opening.


Why! They could have maked that to one of the better Opeth songs like "drapery falls" if they did it a little bit more commercial and repetive.
Commercial and repetive good!

Nothing wrong with that...
I think that riff had its 15 minutes - give the other riffs a chance!

Structurally, they write very few songs like The Drapery Falls - so don't hold your breath.

..and I like the fast double kick riff in the first bit of BTPISIOthers..
I'll hear that song over and over again for the clean vocal section, as well as for everything else. This being my favorite song on the album, I have to question whether The Drapery Falls is even better. Surely By the Pain I See in Others is more original.
But the song would be alot better if the riff returned.
Why make it bad with purpuse???

Its like...
Mike- That part is to fucking good, lets fuck it and put in some non- catchy stuff instead. People might think we want to write good songs for radio.

Its those catchy bleak, drapery falls, still life choruses that has makes Opteh famous and beautiful to fans. Not those metal stuff...
Im not talking about the growls...
the intro riff in BTPISIO is good, but overdoing it would have made the song sound too commercial. the waltz interlude is the best part of the song in my opinion, i listen to the song 3 times every time i listen to the cd. and i think every riff in that song is catchy
Originally posted by Risedfromthedead
But the song would be alot better if the riff returned.
Why make it bad with purpuse???

Its like...
Mike- That part is to fucking good, lets fuck it and put in some non- catchy stuff instead. People might think we want to write good songs for radio.

Its those catchy bleak, drapery falls, still life choruses that has makes Opteh famous and beautiful to fans. Not those metal stuff...
Im not talking about the growls...

Dude, these guys are the type of artists that do not give a fuck about what we (the fans) or anyone else thinks. When Mike writes the song, it's because that's how he wants it, regardless of "will this make us sound like we should be on the radio?" It doesn't sound bad to him, or it wouldn't have been written/recorded that way (with the exception of Orchid, where there are tempo changes and missed snare beats).

If you read any interviews with him, you'll see this immediately.

And personally, I love songs where you're like "Awww man they shoulda kept going with that one!" or "If only they did that drum part 4 more times..." Stuff like that just makes me appreciate the songs more and want to listen to them.
Actually, I like all their albums, but I think Deliverance is my least favorite. Theres something about Orchid & Mornigrise...the way they never repeated any of the riffs on those 2, but still some of the best songs (I think) ever made came out somehow. That to me is what I always thought "Opeth" was: Original & NON-REPETITIVE forcing so many different sounds into your head with one song at a time. For some reason I get the feeling of something missing from the new album, but of course I still love it. Opeth needs to STAY AWAY from the "Commercialized" sounds that seperate them from the boys. Furthermore, a lot of their riffs are kinda simplistic, it's just the way the know how to perfectly mold the different parts together combined with never repeating them again that makes them great.

One other thing on my mind - I think the ending to Deliverance is a bit too repetitive...3 minutes of the same riff is a bit too much.
From all the interviews I've read with Mike, Opeth, (or at least the sections that he writes for them), try to make music for themselves, rather than music for the public, or even the fans. So whatever they do in a song wouldn't be necessarily in an effort to make something not catchy, it would just be whatever Mike felt sounded good. (bad sentence)
Also, I feel that when Opeth repeats a rythm or riff in a song, they're trying to emphasize something. That's why authors do it in stories... so I don't think that repitition is a bad thing, I instead, think that it allows us to hear the important parts of the story that are told by the guitars...
if any of that makes sense......
Originally posted by Draconamis
From all the interviews I've read with Mike, Opeth, (or at least the sections that he writes for them), try to make music for themselves, rather than music for the public, or even the fans. So whatever they do in a song wouldn't be necessarily in an effort to make something not catchy, it would just be whatever Mike felt sounded good. (bad sentence)
Also, I feel that when Opeth repeats a rythm or riff in a song, they're trying to emphasize something. That's why authors do it in stories... so I don't think that repitition is a bad thing, I instead, think that it allows us to hear the important parts of the story that are told by the guitars...
if any of that makes sense......

I don't usually involve myself in these threads (I'm lazy), but....I think this is a great explanation....

Agreed. :grin: