Favourite (or otherwise) destinations

I work all summer, but if I went away, I would just end up in Hobart or Queenstown visiting mates I think, but seems this house mortgage thingy makes me pretty broke :lol:

But at least I spose I have my own peice of Australia. Which makes me wonder, all you world weary travellers, have you done much exploring of this great country? and if not, why not? I mean I would love to see the world some day, but I would love to see Australia and what we have to give first, I mean I have hardly fucking travelled this place.
Yeah, I'd love to see more of Oz too. I don't think I've been further west than Dubbo, other than 2 days spent in Adelaide. Gotta love aussie road trips through the country, though.

Bev and I have this idea to pull up stakes and just spend a year travelling around Oz in a campervan, but then we'd probably get killed by some outback psycho :rock:
where do people recommend to look for cheap flights and such?

am thinking of going to North America in March next year (money willing) to help support some friends in things and want to know where you guys go to look for cheap flights and such.
thanks, Spiff.

I checked out webjet and they take a 20% commission for bookings through them, so they are bested avoided by the looks of them.

at the moment am just looking and considering, especially since I may just go to the USA in September for another event my mates want me to go along to.
I booked my upcoming trip through www.travel.com.au. It seemed to be a good price. Webjet are good for checking what's available, but then you should actually make the booking elsewhere. :)

have you done much exploring of this great country? and if not, why not? I mean I would love to see the world some day, but I would love to see Australia and what we have to give first, I mean I have hardly fucking travelled this place.

I've been to every state/territory except WA. Wenny and I drove through VIC, SA, NT, QLD, NSW and ACT a few years back (when we met you that time). I've been to Tassie maybe 30 times. Australia's a great country to travel around. :)
I still need to go to Tasmania, SA and WA. Maybe one day.

I liked Melbourne when I was there last year and would like to go back some time. Might pop down next year and check out the new stadium.
I still need to go to Tasmania, SA and WA. Maybe one day.

Tassie is an odd place where the places are awesome but the people can be fucked to deal with.
some lovely people there though.

you have to get to Hobart on a Saturday and go to Salamanca Markets.

some lovely places in WA as well, especially if you move up the western coast.
Esperance and along the coast towards SA is lovely. Albany too.
I prefer dealing with people when it comes to travel, so if you find a cheaper price on a website, take it to a travel agent and see if they can match it.

I have had a few problems with Flight Centre being incompetant, only giving me information from their website which I was able to look up myself, not being able to answer basic questions, and telling me they can't book certain flights that I was able to book elsewhere. These things aside, I have used them a couple of times without hassle as well.

Harvey World Travel were great to deal with, able to book the flights I wanted at the price I was expecting, which on this particular occasion, Flight Centre were unable to do.

We also have a local American Express travel agent who are great to deal with, very honest and upfront. They told me they likely can't match the prices for just flights that other travel agents can provide but specialise in packages and insurance etc. They were so great to deal with for information etc that I used them to book my Eurail passes and a few other things through.
Yeah, I never booked anything for myself before my 06/07 trip - I went through Flight Centre for the flights to and from London and the tour I did, but they couldn't help me with my travel to Paris and then to Berlin (and to London from Budapest)... well, they could, but they were going to tack on a ridiculous fee. So I booked the Eurostar ticket and Easyjet flights myself, plus my five nights in Paris (they couldn't book at the hotel I'd picked out).

I decided to cut out the middle man this time around. I also book all domestic travel with either Webjet or directly with Virgin (my preferred domestic airline).
I booked my upcoming trip through www.travel.com.au. It seemed to be a good price. Webjet are good for checking what's available, but then you should actually make the booking elsewhere. :)

I've been to every state/territory except WA. Wenny and I drove through VIC, SA, NT, QLD, NSW and ACT a few years back (when we met you that time). I've been to Tassie maybe 30 times. Australia's a great country to travel around. :)

You were the only person I knew here that has travelled this wide brown land