Favourite Outro's

bangadrian said:
*whispering discretely*
psssssst... i dunno if you heard the news, i guess someone's got to tell you... i hope this doesn't upset you, but that album blows donkey balls
psssst... ya see, the thing is, donkey balls or no donkey balls, Dave's solo during the outro does, in fact, kick serious ass.
bangadrian said:
the solo is decent i guess, but i wouldn't say it was "during the outro", it's really more toward the middle of the song. and this version doesn't hold a candle to the number of the beast version or the live after death versions
:confused: Last I gave it a listen it was only just a few seconds before the end. You might want to give it one more spin... Though technially it's not part of the song, just a "hey, look what I can do with mah whammy! Quick! Look, before the song's over!" it does sound great.
aaa some really good ones on this thread...especially white cluster, paatos' "tea," opeth's karma, and king crimson's "epitaph."

the first one that popped up in my head was anathema's "ascension." a great outro to an excellent album