Favourite opeth part ?


New Metal Member
Sep 7, 2003
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hey, im new here. i was just wondering what your favourite part in a opeth song is ? my favourtie part is without doubt the oouuaahhh sound he makes in blackwater park, right at the begining, after the aqoustic part. lets see... its at .. 1:58 if im not wrong... i FUCKING love it... its sooo sooo.. soooo amazing.. hehe. i just plain love it.

so whats your favourtie part ? i also love the "spiral into the ground bellow part" in the drapery falls, where the double bass pedal starts.. and mostly every single part in deliverance, which is my favourite song. i think.. blackwater park owns too.
That riff at about 2.13 or so in The Leper Affinity.
The middle section of Black Rose Immortal (9-16)
The Moor intro.
Various parts of MAYH.
In no particular order...

1. Prologue into April Ethereal and then "It was me peering through the looking glass..."

2. The intro to When is like all calm and serene and then musical change of direction is like getting hit in the middle of the forehead with a brick...

3. Karma....Aaaaaah, aaaaah, aahhhh, (add death scream here), and then "I have gone away...." One of the best Opeth moments ever!

4. "And so you left us..." (add awesome riff) "Jaded and gaunt, some September..." (riff it again).

...there are more.
The guitar riff at 5:14 - 5:50 in Windowpane is so beautiful..

"the rain was waving goodbye"-April Ethereal

"Into the orchard I walk peering way past the gate
Wilted scenes for us who couldn't wait" - Harvest

"Pale touch, writhing in the embers
Damp mud burning in my eyes" - The Moor

"Sunbirds leave their dark recesses
Shadows glid the archways" - BRI

"It is getting dark again
Dusk shuffle across the fields
The evening trees moan as if they knew
At night I always dream of you" - BRI

"I stand motionless
In a parade of falling rain" -TBYF

- The ending of TBYF.
- The intro's to "Nectar" & "Master's Apprentices"
- The 30 second scream in BRI.
- Lepper Affinity intro scream.
- + Others...
13:37-14:44 Black rose immortal
not only my favorite opeth part , but the best melodies Ive ever heard ..
this is so fucking amazing ..

Also The Night And The Silent Water 2:50
the vocal lines are amazing

fuck it .. morningrise is my fav opeth part :rock:
Opeth - 0:00 to 20:14 :loco:

The "Oo oo's"(9:04 - 10:10) of The Moor. I'm oddly drawn to that..
1:13 - 1:51 In 'Black Rose Immortal'
7:46 - 8:21 In 'Master's Apprentices'
The intro to 'By The Pain I See In Others'

I can't choose between these..
From 9:14 on Blackwater Park there's a part with them fast drums and a solid guitar lead. But there's also an acoustic guituar playing in the background. I love it.

The part is found earlier in the song too, but i didn't bother finding it.
9:47 of Blackwater Park, the pickup of that part is so awsome. the scream and the heaviness of that part makes it so badass.

i think its aroud the 2:50 mark or so in Closure when there done singing and just the instraments..its badass and kinda creepy too

The Apostle In Triumph, that whole song! that song is by far my fav song. Orchid is my fav cd cause of all the melodies that are on there.
I never get sick of replying to these threads. ;)

1. The Twilight Is My Robe - 3:35 - 6:28 - Really nice interlude, and... One of Opeth's best solos. Probably the best. And the rest of the song.

2. To Bid You Farewell - The entire song. I don't think I need to say any more.

3. When - 8:25 - 9:14 - The whole song is great, but if one part deserves it, this part does.

4. The Moor - 0:01 - 9:30 - Yeah... That's the majority of the song. I feel like it should've ended there, but that's just because I think it gets a bit too repetitive.

5. Godhead's Lament - 2:41 - 5:50 - This used to be my favorite Opeth song. Still a great one.

6. Moonlapse Vertigo - 4:30 - 6:04 - Witness the jazziness, and the chaos that ensues. You do kind of have to hear the song from the beginning to reallize how cool it is that they did this, though. Does anyone remember (if they saw it) how much the crowd cheered when Mikael played this at their first U.S. show? Regardless of how he screwed it up, of course.

7. White Cluster - 3:12 - 10:02 - My favorite Opeth song. I know I cut out the death metal, but still. That's not near the best part.

8. The Leper Affinity - 2:14 - 3:33 - My favorite Opeth solo. I think. If only it was longer, though... TTIMR's solo is incredibly close.

9. Harvest - The entire song. So timeless.

10. Blackwater Park - 8:06 - 11:19 - The most kick ass moment in Opeth history, if you ask me. 10:31 - 11:19 being the best drumming job Martin did. With the exception of the end of Deliverance.

11. Wreath - 5:06 - 6:51 ... How the last note of the solo rings out into that keyboard riff, then they do that really simple drum riff in harmony with the guitar.

7:35 - 8:58 - Tabla solo into grim solo. 'Nuff said.

12. Masters Apprentices - 4:57 - 7:45 - I don't why... I just like it.
"And so comes the dark
Vibrant as ever before
Flowers already withered
In this endless winter of souls "

...Plus the two guitar parts before and after this...

Also, I have to say, the heavy part of TBYF:

"She wept and whispered: "I know...""
Advent - at 9:58... "Time... grows short!" with my favourite riff of the song

A Fair Judgement - The solo just after 6 minutes

And absolutely all of Bleak!
Hi all... newbie here (yes... another one :grin: ) :wave:

1 - Closure : "In the rays of the sun I am longing for the darkness"

2 - Black Rose Immortal : From "I have kept it, the Amaranth symbol..." to the end (maybe the best piece of music EVER written !!)

3 - Face of Melinda : From "I took her by the hand to say..." to the end

4 - The Moor : 10:05 -> 10:50

And a loooot more... :)