Favourite Ozzy album?

project driver ftw. sarzo, rock, aldridge and macalpine on 1 album. crazy

I know that's why I expected more from it and didn't deliver it for me :(

I will always like Driver much better than EOTW, but to each his own....I also only stumbled on VM a few years ago....so I didn't study it. Once I heard the vocals I pretty much dismissed it based on EOTW. I will definitely revisit both on your recommendation.

If you do great if not, don't worry to each its own like you said, not every album cause the same impact on a listener, after all the greatness of diversity is exactly that, the difference in tastes. ;)

Heh heh....turned into a Macalpine thread....my mistake, Wyvern, about Tony singing on VM. I still have to get that one, along with the CAB albums.

The CAB albums are his best jazz side, definitively recommended. And don't worry about turning the thread it's what makes UMOS so great after all
If you do great if not, don't worry to each its own like you said, not every album cause the same impact on a listener, after all the greatness of diversity is exactly that, the difference in tastes. ;)

I think it's interesting when someone sees/hears something I didn't, especially on an artist like TM that I love. As soon as I can dig up the cdr I will give it a shot.
I can tell how old some of you are by your album choices! I've got great memories of listening to Ultimate Sin, but my favorite has to be Blizzard of Oz
I can tell how old some of you are by your album choices! I've got great memories of listening to Ultimate Sin, but my favorite has to be Blizzard of Oz

I listened to Blizzard last night for the first time in many years. I think the main reason I don’t rate it (don’t know what other people’s reasons are) as one of the best anymore is purely because my friends and I thrashed it to death but its still a top listen after an absence.

Also I much prefer the heaviness of Diary (particularly tracks like S.A.T.O. etc) and Ultimate Sin (which I listened to back to back with Blizzard last night) - which is probably why I’m also fond of No Rest but Ozzy lost me after that. Blizzard does hold a few slower tracks which ultimately lets it down in my preferential ranking of Ozzy favs. I like Ozzy most when he is in your face and rockin’ hard.
Gotta go with the original, Blizzard of Oz! I remember the Sabbath split and then hearing the radio commercial for Blizzard of Oz. It was wicked!!!

Seeing Randy Rhoads live (twice) also helped burn that album into my mind for all eternity!

- Wicked D
Damn, me worship you for having the honor of seeing Randy play live... he's my guitar god... :waah::notworthy:kickass: