Favourite song from PiB

Your No.1 favourite song from PRISTINE IN BONDAGE..?

  • Atropine

    Votes: 7 18.9%
  • Revolution Without Arms

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • Coming Home

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • Inflicted

    Votes: 5 13.5%
  • Without Stains

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Katharsis

    Votes: 9 24.3%
  • 24 Pills

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Wraith

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Crow Me

    Votes: 3 8.1%
  • Primal Nature

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 10, 2001
Ok, I guess most of those who have already bought the new album should've listened to it enough to be able to name some of their favourite songs...

Should be very hard to choose because it's the same as with AWD; the songs all seem to be equally good...at least to me ;) But well, my current fave is Inflict since I (unfortunately) even can relate to the lyrics a bit at the moment. My 2nd choice would be Crow Me ...or Coming Home? Damn, they're all so good ;)

Looking forward to the results and your responses...
As We Fly

Something about that song really hits the musical spot for me. I just cannot get enough of the guitar during the part where Johanna sings "Crawling underneath my biggest fear..." It kind of reminds me of the great music heard on the original nintendo. Very cool. :headbang:

Coming Home is a close second. :)
For me it's Katharsis. The mix with Jörgens vocals is just brilliant, and Johanna sings like a goddess.
Atropine first, Inflict as second choice, Without Stains as a third choice.
The rest of the album goes fourth ;)

Btw, I don't know how it comes but I am currently trying to complete Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles while in transit and both AWD and PIB are great background cd's for these books. Wraith for example is what those nice demi-gods become when they don't drink too much and there are a number of parts of the lyrics which cross the books.

When did Amaran come to the center of Europe again, somewhere near Zurich preferebly this time, if you would come to The Netherlands again I just would need to do a trip back home ;) One thing: I demand at least a concert of an hour, I missed the 30 minutes in brussels while waiting in line with my coat thus in sum I've only been able to enjoy Amaran live for about 45 minutes or so upto now. More more more more more ;)
I'm really surprised to read that so many people As We Fly as their favourite (it's a great song, indeed). But I wonder how many votes the japanese-only bonus tracks would get...

lol, I just noticed that I wrote "Inflicted" (instead of "Inflict") as a poll option...too bad one can't edit the options :p
Nico16 said:
I'm really surprised to read that so many people have 24 pills as their favourite (it's a great song, indeed). But I wonder how many votes the japanese-only bonus tracks would get...
I think that for the bonus tracks, the following order would be for me:
1. Seven long Years
- great singalong-in-the-head-lyrics and great guitars of course ;)
Also see my note above it is perfect as background music
while reading rather odd books, especially when the book is
mentioning travel, going underground etc and rising again.
2. Nocturnal
- Another good singalong
3. As We Fly
- This one ends last as it is imho not 'clean' it doesn't sound like it is
completely finished yet and could use some tweaking especially
the start of the song could use a bit of attention.

All three are typical Amaran songs which makes them quite good!

Btw... the beginning of Atropine is quite evil "oh this cd is recorded at a low volume, open up amp, ATRRRRRRRROOOOOPINEEEE" :)

Also.. the lyrics for Nocturnal and Seven long years is not in the booklet :(
fuzzel said:
...the beginning of Atropine is quite evil(


When I first stuck the disc in and heard the opening part of Atropine I was a bit disoriented because the production seemed so thin compared to what I had previously heard in the samples. Naturally, I turned it up...BOOM :D

I should've seen it coming. :)
fuzzel said:
3. As We Fly
- This one ends last as it is imho not 'clean' it doesn't sound like it is
completely finished yet and could use some tweaking especially
the start of the song could use a bit of attention.
That's exactly what I think ...I always got a strange feel while listening to that song, I didn't really know what it was. But you're right, I guess it's because it's not really perfected. And the band noticed that themselves, otherwise it wouldn't have ended up as a bonus track ;)

Seven Long Years is really nice...I know it from the demo version - did the agressive drumming make it to the album version? I loved that part of the song... well, it's been months since I last listened to it. I hope I'll somehow get loads of money in the near future so that I can order the jap version... :)
Newflesh said:
"But when the song changes and rearranges, I hope that you haven't forgotten. Remember. Yes, remember."

Hehe, an old Mourning Sign fan??? ;-)
lol, right, you noticed it :p
hum for me it's : 1) As we Fly ( in this song there is a particular environment which me entraine so far away ...(as well the voice as instruments ;-)

2) Inflicted
3) Comming home