Favourite Song?

FTR is the ultimate best! I think it's becuz each and every song was perfect on that album. Maybe that was one of the albums that they had a lot of ideas on.
Lady_Laiho said:
^Dude, oops i did it again rox!!! Definetly listen to it, it will blow you away.
Ehh it's more of a jokey song, it's still good though:lol:
Notice how they laugh at the end?
Yeah, i like the middle part, where they talk. That was the best. Alexi's voice sounded great. It's gonna be hard to top somebody put something in my drink and oops i did it again. those two were something phenomenal.
Lady_Laiho said:
Yeah, i like the middle part, where they talk. That was the best. Alexi's voice sounded great. It's gonna be hard to top somebody put something in my drink and oops i did it again. those two were something phenomenal.
I wouldn't describe oops I did it again as phenominal, remember it is a cover of BRITNEY SPEARS :erk:
But what COB have done to it is great. They took a shitty, lame song into something really good. They should take all shittly pop songs and change it into something that will never be forgotten...like immortalize them.
OMG, if they did i slipknot remake that would suck. Think about the shitty guitaring. The vocals would probably come out pretty good though and so would the drumming.
OMG, if they did i slipknot remake that would suck. Think about the shitty guitaring. The vocals would probably come out pretty good though and so would the drumming.
'Cause it's a cool song. I thought you liked AYDY...

I don't think Alexi would appreciate you talking shit about that song. :mad: