Favourite Ulver releases...

Favourite Ulver releases

  • Vargnatt

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Bergtatt

    Votes: 22 62.9%
  • Kveldssanger

    Votes: 10 28.6%
  • Nattens Madrigal

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • Themes From William Blake's...

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • Metmorphosis

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Perdition City

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Silence Teaches You How To Sing

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Silencing The Singing

    Votes: 1 2.9%

  • Total voters
@Nattestid: Varnatt was released as a bootleg cd split with Immortal's first demo...... search a bit you may find it.....
otherwise from tape trading.......... but not the originall tape ofcourse...

As for Nattens, that is true but we are still waiting for jester-records to make a new announcement on this album.......
After two weeks of rather boring vacations in the countryside I'm trying to catch up with the enormous amount of new posts (and I'm going to give up in a while) I see that my friend Russell has finally started an interesting topic... Naturally I vote for "Themes..." since I believe it's their best album and consider it to be my all time favorite. No more comments are needed... genious at its best.
Originally posted by Kveldssanger
After two weeks of rather boring vacations in the countryside I'm trying to catch up with the enormous amount of new posts (and I'm going to give up in a while) I see that my friend Russell has finally started an interesting topic... Naturally I vote for "Themes..." since I believe it's their best album and consider it to be my all time favorite. No more comments are needed... genious at its best.

Welcome back my friend :grin:
I think that Virus are supposed to release the album during the next months (I wonder if it'll get a good distribution, or we'll have to go treasure hunting again). As for the Nattens-remake I'm beginning to lose my patience, but I think Garm has so much projects going on that he doesn't know what to finish first.
Originally posted by Kveldssanger
I wonder if it'll get a good distribution, or we'll have to go treasure hunting again

Aaaaaaahhhh...... hunting where only the quickest ones survives....
(Asto katw re! egw to eida prwtos, diko mou einai!:p :lol: )
Originally posted by Kveldssanger
I think that Virus are supposed to release the album during the next months (I wonder if it'll get a good distribution, or we'll have to go treasure hunting again). As for the Nattens-remake I'm beginning to lose my patience, but I think Garm has so much projects going on that he doesn't know what to finish first.

I would be interested to know what he's releasing presently, I know he's got more out than I know of. Latest thing I heard was he was working on The Gathering CD(need more info, I know shit)but I hope Natten's Madrigal will come out soon. And more.
Tell me more what you know.
I love the passion he puts in Arcturus the best.
:Smokedev: :Smokedev: :Smokedev: Smoke Devil is the only sign It seems I can find to relate to drinking habit, everyday affair.:erk:
I would likely have voted for Theme's had I known multiple choice was acceopted. I was not familiar with William Blake but I purchaseed a three pack by him shortly after the CD came out, and love reading along with Heaven and hell, they did an excellent job of portraying in music.
I'm sure we have mentioned the upcoming Ulver-related releases quite a few times these last months but here it goes:
The Nattens re-make (they haven't even chosen a title yet)
a soundtrack for the swedish movie "Lycanthropen" (or something) composed by Garm (i don't know if it's out yet, i think not)
a re-mix album on Merzbow's "frog" album (this should be interesting, Merzbow's music isn't very "remixable" in my opinion, at least from what I've heard)
an album with remixes from Ulver's catalogue by some electronica artists (unknown at least to me, but that doesn't mean anything, they may be very famous)
Garm is going to participate in some songs in the next The Gathering album (out this autumn)
They went missing last week because of trouble with bandwidth. You can only keep your avatar by hosting it on the web yourself. I'm not all that clear on the process, but mine was on our house homepage, so we could just link it to Ultimatemetal....
@phyre: WTF?!?!?!
Yes the sound on this CD is very poor and exactelly as you said:
"as if they were mastered from a 10th generation tape copy and then digitally distorted on purpose"
But i haven't heard the originall demo sound of this recording so I thought that it sound the way it is in the bootleg......:cry:

Thanx for the info!
O! And for the Immortal's tracks i agree with you.....
they have much better sound but they aren't so nice songs.....
Btw from the track "Enslaved in rot" was inspired and named after that another great band from Bergen: ENSLAVED!!