FBI investigates "THE KORAN SHOOTER"


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Check this shit out: No complaints, no crime committed. The islamo-assholes never knew anything happened because the prankster filmed it and split, but oh no! FBI's gotta investigate. A serious hate crime's been committed.

Shit! How many times on this forum have I personally wished for the execution of Madaleine Albright for Arch-treason and violations of natural decency? I don't know, but its gettin so an Average American tax-payer can't express his opinion anymore, even in jest:

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. The F-B-I will look into an online video that shows two men shooting a Quran (That is, holy Koran, you fucking asshole!) with a military rifle and then leaving the bullet-riddled holy book at a Chattanooga mosque.

F-B-I agent Tim Burke said the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations asked the Justice Department to investigate the incident. He said no one from the Chattanooga Muslim community had complained.

Justice Department spokesman Eric Holland said the request would be reviewed carefully.

Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Islamic group, said the video may have been recorded in Chattanooga a year ago.

The video titled "kill the koran" was posted on MySpace-dot-com last month. It could still be seen on the Web site yesterday.

A man on the Web site identifies himself as "mully88" and claims to live in Chattanooga. The author's profile lists as heroes (quote) "anybody that has killed a muslim or at least tried to kill a muslim." The site also contains slurs against Hispanics and blacks.

The video shows the man purchasing a Quran at a bookstore, going to a wooded area and shooting the book, then throwing it on the ground outside the door of the Chattanooga Islamic center.

As "Otto" from A Fish Called Wanda used to say,

TheAssMaster said:
So long as they aren't investigating "The Koran Bum-wiper" - it's me!

That was you? Shittt! I always thought you were "The Koran Meat-Spanker" and sometimes "The Koran Quicker Love-Juice Picker-Upper."

Ahh, but who's the "Roast a Koran to BBQ Them Fatty, Drippin' Babyback Ribs an' Use the Koran to Catch them Fatty Drips an' Force-Feed Them to Those Fuckin Osamas Down at the Seven-Eleven With a Koran page Funnel" Guy???

Who's that??

They should investigate me since I looted a Mosque in Pakistan once. I used to have their little MOSQUE sign in arabic hanging in my garage :headbang:
Evil Dead, you are my hero! You have spread the Western word of peace and reconciliation around the world via the barrel of a gun, and I thank you for that! Fuck 'em.
Did you collect any necklaces of ears on your travels?
TheAssMaster said:
Evil Dead, you are my hero! You have spread the Western word of peace and reconciliation around the world via the barrel of a gun, and I thank you for that! Fuck 'em.
Did you collect any necklaces of ears on your travels?

Nah I would be in prison! And..it was on an abandoned military base in Pakistan that we "took over" or "borrowed." So no one was using it. But I tell you what, they had some FUNNNY Shit there!! Like the Paki's wanted to buy a bunch of C-130's and use them as strategic nuclear bombers. They had pictures and descriptions of their wooden delivery system for their abomb that they would let slide out the back ramp. Good stuff!

And to be honest. I've done more good in the middle east than harm. I cant even remember how many uneducated muslims have told me how different me and my guys where than what they are taught at the mosque. The uneducated muslim has a warped perspective of Westerners and I always tried to show a positive image around em..albeit I did do dumb shit every once in a while, but fuck it, IM AMERKIAN I DO WHAT I WANT! haha.

I once gave a guy 40 dollars to buy me a carton of smokes in Pakistan. The carton only cost $5. He came back with my change...I was like Fuck it dude you keep that shit. That $35 was more than what he made in a month with the army. He became the most pro american muslim I had ever seen, it was hilarious. They are good people, but most of them are led to believe the rest of the world is evil and out to get them. Then we have retards like those guys in Abu Gharib and the more recent rape guys that put a black mark on not only Americans but the free world itself.
ED, i don't have ill will against 99 percent of them, becuase they don't have the freedoms that we have here...
IAN442 said:
ED, i don't have ill will against 99 percent of them, becuase they don't have the freedoms that we have here...

Bloody hell, I do!

People are born basically evil.

"Good, hard-working people" are born into evil countries.

Therefore, wholesale executions and massive carpet-bombings of civilian areas is the only realistic way to handle modern, urban warfare.

If these Islamic dogs wanna blow up our imperial stormtroopers, then 90% of Tikrit must be demolished in an overnight air raid.

If these filthy animals persist in kidnapping our people, then 90% of downtown Samarra and Najaf must be consumed in a firestorm.

Sorry, but that's a nicer way of ending this bullshit once and for all. Otherwise, insurgencies drag on for years and years...

Jurched (a.k.a., the User-of-Koran-Pages-to-Catch-Pork-Roast-Drippings)