Female guitar gods


New Metal Member
Nov 12, 2001
I've listened to/at least heard of hundreds of male guitarist who would be considered godlike(52nd notes, eight finger taps, et al), but was just curious to see if anyone had ever heard of/seen a female guitarist who could be called the same.

Somewhat of a generic question, but I've never seen it asked, so...

Are you talking about me??? ;)

I'm a guitar player and I'm a girl.... even if I don't have a band anymore my only great gig made 3 years ago brought me some "fans", people that, when they meet me, make considerations and compliments about my way of playing guitar on that concert.... this is very great for me!!

The band in question was a classical Maiden's cover one, but now I'm searching for something heavier (but I don't find anything.... maybe is this a fact of sexual discrimination???) in the style of Carcass or Slayer....
Originally posted by MotherNorth
Are you talking about me??? ;)

I'm a guitar player and I'm a girl.... even if I don't have a band anymore my only great gig made 3 years ago brought me some "fans", people that, when they meet me, make considerations and compliments about my way of playing guitar on that concert.... this is very great for me!!

The band in question was a classical Maiden's cover one, but now I'm searching for something heavier (but I don't find anything.... maybe is this a fact of sexual discrimination???) in the style of Carcass or Slayer....

Well, I hope you find a project you like soon. Over here, there's no discrimination, if you play well, most people would have no problems with having you in a band...

Keep looking and good luck!
Thanx for the support!!!!

I'd like to find something good too, but maybe the great problem for the people I meet is that I'm a girl who play but can't do it all day long.... (as I've to study) and for this reason she's worst than men at playing....

I know it's a pity, but the world is convincing me everyday more that it's full of shit.
Ah. Well, practice when you can, and look for band members who are in a position like you, at school, or full time workers...

You don't need to jam 5 days a week to be a good band...

As a matter of fact, my band only has the time to rehearse 1 set once or twice a week, but (with the exception of having to kick a guitarist out for not being able to pay rent and he doesn't have transportation) we're almost ready to go into the studio to record a full length...

Anyways, it'll happen, just keep active on the lookout :D
@MotherNorth - Keep jamming.. I think it´s cool!!!

@Xenophobe - What kind of music do you play, and which instrument? Tell us about the band and the release!!!
Originally posted by ~UlvedaL~
@Xenophobe - What kind of music do you play, and which instrument? Tell us about the band and the release!!!

Well, I play in a Melodic Death Metal Band, and I play Bass, Warwick. I also collect Jackson USA...

The Band i'm in now is named NEMATOCYST, and we're getting ready to record a full length demo.

I have long flowing brown hair with natural grey streaks in it halfway down my back, and I'm 5'7" 1.7m tall, I'm single...

And I'm a man! :p

Sorry Ulvedal, sounded like you were hitting on me! hahaha :lol:
Originally posted by xenophobe
Well, I play in a Melodic Death Metal Band, and I play Bass, Warwick. I also collect Jackson USA...

The Band i'm in now is named NEMATOCYST, and we're getting ready to record a full length demo.

I have long flowing brown hair with natural grey streaks in it halfway down my back, and I'm 5'7" 1.7m tall, I'm single...

:D :D :D