Fender FM100H and FM412 Half Stack


New Metal Member
May 9, 2008
I am looking into getting a new amp for the rehearsal room that has a great sound. I have found these in a shop going for a decent price and was wondering if this would be good a nice and heavy metal sound, if not would it be a good starter to start getting pedals for it.

Ooog, does not look promising - I take it your budget is limited, so my vote honestly would be a Crate Flexwave head and like an old used beat up Marshall 1960 cab! (they're everywhere for dirt cheap)
Yeah, I am not exactly rolling in it. I have a line 6 spider 3 150wt at the moment but I felt that I should get a real amp if you know what I mean. Too digital sounding
Well for live playing I've gotten tones that I'm pretty happy with from my housemate's Spider III, but I agree for recording it's not the greatest. Honestly though, I feel the only way you're gonna get an improvement over what the Spider III can do (maybe you need to tweak it more, there certainly are a lot of options!) is to save for a tube amp, either a used 5150 or a Krank Rev. Jr. or Orange Tiny Terror, depending on whether you want modern tight metal tone or a little more vintage (but still tight hi-gain) British bark!
I want a tight metal sound, thanks for the advice. I am gonna shop around a bit before I go into getting one. It might be better to just save up and get a really good one, no point buying a not so good amp when a little bit of waiting and patience could get me a killer amp.
Save up. Don't buy something cheap that you don't really want. I learnt my lesson with the grainger hammerhead... looked cool... sounded shiitttteee

Save up. Don't buy something cheap that you don't really want. I learnt my lesson with the grainger hammerhead... looked cool... sounded shiitttteee


i feel this is the best advice, since money comes from your pocket and generally doesn´t come easy