
Nice pictures!

Anders, where is your Bloodbath guitar?

this is actually a very sad and upsetting story which i probably will never be able to come over and probably should made an official statement about already back when it happened, but i was still hoping for the guitar to come back to me... yes, it's true - the guitar was fucking stolen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it was stored in a rehearsal room where diabolical masquerade were gonna try out things again (yes, now u know that as well....)... the only bands rehearsing there were/are: grave, unleashed and souldevourer. NOBODY ELSE else have access to this place and it was guarded by alarm, codelock and normal keylocks. there's been no break and entry. it's an insider job but without suspects... well, if u'd line up all the people in those bands, the criminal would be amongst them, but it would still be impossible to point him out...and i also dont want to accuse and hang out people that would prove to be innocent. the whole thing was ofcourse filed with the police, but they've nothing to go on....

we put up notes everywhere telling the person to anonymously return the guitar and the nightmare would be put to and end, but the person has failed to do so and now many months have passed by.... It's gone!

as u might have guessed, this guitar was unique and existed in only one copy and was customized for me, thus it's simply invaluable to me while it's honestly more or less worthless to anyone else, since it wouldnt be possible to use it anywhere in the public light since it would be spotted and recognised due to its trademark and original design.

secondly, i cant believe how these thieving lowlife actions are done within such a tight scene... how could this person think he would get away with it? well now it seems he did, but what good is it now that he would have to hide the guitar for all eternity.... to whom would he sell it? where would he use it? when would he use it?


spread the word!
that really is bullshit...I mean the guy's a fucking assmuncher for stealing it in the first place, but it being the guitar it is it's also a sign of extreme stupidity. I hope they find out who it was, although it's not likely.

nice pictures akiman by the way ;) what's with jonas though? His hair isn't all straight and in front of the facey.
this is actually a very sad and upsetting story which i probably will never be able to come over and probably should made an official statement about already back when it happened, but i was still hoping for the guitar to come back to me... yes, it's true - the guitar was fucking stolen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it was stored in a rehearsal room where diabolical masquerade were gonna try out things again (yes, now u know that as well....)... the only bands rehearsing there were/are: grave, unleashed and souldevourer. NOBODY ELSE else have access to this place and it was guarded by alarm, codelock and normal keylocks. there's been no break and entry. it's an insider job but without suspects... well, if u'd line up all the people in those bands, the criminal would be amongst them, but it would still be impossible to point him out...and i also dont want to accuse and hang out people that would prove to be innocent. the whole thing was ofcourse filed with the police, but they've nothing to go on....

we put up notes everywhere telling the person to anonymously return the guitar and the nightmare would be put to and end, but the person has failed to do so and now many months have passed by.... It's gone!

as u might have guessed, this guitar was unique and existed in only one copy and was customized for me, thus it's simply invaluable to me while it's honestly more or less worthless to anyone else, since it wouldnt be possible to use it anywhere in the public light since it would be spotted and recognised due to its trademark and original design.

secondly, i cant believe how these thieving lowlife actions are done within such a tight scene... how could this person think he would get away with it? well now it seems he did, but what good is it now that he would have to hide the guitar for all eternity.... to whom would he sell it? where would he use it? when would he use it?


spread the word!

I can't believe it :OMG: that sucks!
this is actually a very sad and upsetting story which i probably will never be able to come over and probably should made an official statement about already back when it happened, but i was still hoping for the guitar to come back to me... yes, it's true - the guitar was fucking stolen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it was stored in a rehearsal room where diabolical masquerade were gonna try out things again (yes, now u know that as well....)... the only bands rehearsing there were/are: grave, unleashed and souldevourer. NOBODY ELSE else have access to this place and it was guarded by alarm, codelock and normal keylocks. there's been no break and entry. it's an insider job but without suspects... well, if u'd line up all the people in those bands, the criminal would be amongst them, but it would still be impossible to point him out...and i also dont want to accuse and hang out people that would prove to be innocent. the whole thing was ofcourse filed with the police, but they've nothing to go on....

we put up notes everywhere telling the person to anonymously return the guitar and the nightmare would be put to and end, but the person has failed to do so and now many months have passed by.... It's gone!

as u might have guessed, this guitar was unique and existed in only one copy and was customized for me, thus it's simply invaluable to me while it's honestly more or less worthless to anyone else, since it wouldnt be possible to use it anywhere in the public light since it would be spotted and recognised due to its trademark and original design.

secondly, i cant believe how these thieving lowlife actions are done within such a tight scene... how could this person think he would get away with it? well now it seems he did, but what good is it now that he would have to hide the guitar for all eternity.... to whom would he sell it? where would he use it? when would he use it?


spread the word!

Wow, that is bullshit. I really hope someone fucking has enough balls to return it. It would suck to have to accuse some of those guys in those bands, but if that's what it comes to to get the unique one of a kind guitar back, I'd try to do anything possible, though I'm sure you've tried everything. Fucking saddens me that this shit happens.

So disrespectful for this to happen too, I mean there's only these bands that have access, and I am sure none of them would want to be in this position either. Fuck them.
Also, was this back at the beginning of the year when you said that Diabolical Masquerade was on ice again or did you get a hankering for Diabolical Masquerade brutality recently?
That was the most beautiful guitar in the world... Only forensics or something would solve the case..

Maybe it was just some dude that loved the guitar as much as me but is dumb and crazy enough to steal it..

I'm sorry for your loss man.. Hope you will get a new personalized guitar..
Rightyho, blighters! Here are the photos I made at Party.San.

Some are ok, some are crap. I like both kinds.

See the album for the rest.



