Final version of my 80's metal forum collaboration - "Changes"


Mar 16, 2006
Houston, TX
I'm sure most of you are tired of hearing this song already, but there's a couple of people around here that may nail me to the wall if I don't post the full, finished version. ;)

"Changes" - Final version (fixed)

If you're not tired of hearing it, let me know what you think. Especially if there's some frequencies bothering you. I'm really happy with it, but I'm not that objective anymore. And yes, I know the fade out is a little too long. :)

Thanks to John and Marcus for their input and helping me to finally make this thing "pro" sounding. :kickass:
Music: me
Vocals & Lyrics: John Lokke (rvs0002)
1st guitar solo: me
2nd guitar solo: Marcus (Metaltastic)

If anyone is curious enough to hear the original 4-track version done with a Rockman, Peavey Backstage, a cheap RadioShack microphone, and Roland TR707...and need a good laugh: :lol:

EDIT: updated the link with a version fixing a couple of issues.
Distorted tone isn't great on the old version, but the drums actually don't sound too bad for a drum machine, and the clean tone is still nice. More picking on your lead on the old one too, second half is a bit out of key lol. Good fun to hear man.
Thanks! WASP huh? Hmmm...hadn't thought about that. May just have to do that sometime. ;) I've got drums and bass and some rhythm guitars for my next song "Leaving". Again, a very 80's Dokken, Ratt, Firehouse influenced kind of thing...but not based on anyone's song this time. :) And Noutern will be sharing solos with me this time around. I know he's chomping at the bit to get started on it. :)
Oh fuck me John! Those high notes are fucking killer! Would you be up for doing vocals for an Anthrax cover? Think you could wail like Joey Belladonna?
John...great vocal work on that! Of course, after working with doesn't surprise me! :)

Zakky...Rebel Yell? You've got to post that on here. I freakin' love that song! Steve Stephens was a huge influence on me in the early days.
John...great vocal work on that! Of course, after working with doesn't surprise me! :)

Zakky...Rebel Yell? You've got to post that on here. I freakin' love that song! Steve Stephens was a huge influence on me in the early days.
will do!! steve is great when i saw rebel yell on mtv back in 85 that did it for me:Smokin: