Final version of my 80's metal forum collaboration - "Changes"

Love it Mark, vox sound great, as does everything else! Thanks again for the opportunity to contribute, it was a blast! :)
Yeah, man, those vox sound great - did you by any chance keep that 2.5k boost, or ditch it? Either way, if you kept it, then I take back my criticism and insist upon the contrary! :D
Ooh, but I gotta be honest, I feel my solo is a bit lower relative to yours (probably because you were using the neck pickup, so yours punches through a lot more). I know, I know, the guitarist is always gonna think his solo should be louder, but, well, I do, dagnabbit :)
Marcus, I first tried without that 2.5K boost, and I didn't even notice much of a difference to be honest. So I left it alone. About your're the guest guitarist. I can't have you out shining me! ;) Joking! :D I'll take a look at it at home. I haven't even been able to listen to this through speakers since my ears cooled off after making the final mix. It's been headphone as usual for me because of circumstances. I'll give a listen when I get home. You're probably right.
The song is pretty awesomely dated man... i mean that as a compliment...

I'm digging it for what it is, but I couldn't listen to this more than once...

Thanks dude. I'll take the compliment. :D Some of us around here show our age now and then. But sometimes it just feels good to go back to your roots.

And Gojira/Steve...that's just too damn funny. :lol:
wow, this is fucking pure 80's! Im feeling Bryan Adams guitar tone/iron maiden guitar tone, a dash of Bon Jovi, seasoned with a healthy dose of helloween! Also, that kit is extremely fear of the dark sounding. Please do explain! I'd kill to see what happend on this project! P.s That is a sick ass guitar solo & tone.
Wow, thanks Kev! Actually, I always liked the guitarist in Bryan Adams' band. A nice, smooth player that had some great tones. Although I didn't have that in mind at the least not consciously. :)

Whatever you want to know, just ask here or PM and I'll do my best to answer.
Thanks! Although I don't know how Firewinds Brothers Keep are (or Fear Of The Dark from Kev's comment for that matter). This was more or less a rip off of a Don Dokken solo song, with changes here and there, that I just did for fun back in '90, and thought it would be fun to redo it. But I'll take the compliment. ;)