Finally got a 5150.


Sounds like shit!
Oct 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA
It's taken forever, but I finally snagged a 5150 on ebay and it came in today. I have messed with so many fucking amps throughout the years and the 5150 just has it, the sound is right and you don't have to do shit to make it sound good. Definitely worth the money.

I'm sure most everyone here is familiar with the 5150 and related, but I have put it off so long and tried to get by with using my 333xl, but the voicing is just 'off'. I recently was messing with a current project and had a bunch of amp sims for the guitars, and as soon as I switched to X50, boom everything sounded RIGHT. I knew I had to man up and get the peavey.

5150's for life. I've had 3 different kinds and I'm currently with my 5150 III. It has more of a modern voicing to my ears, but it's so versatile. I'm starting to love my Rackto more but it just does chug like the 5150. Congrats!
I've owned, or extensively tried, just about every high gain amp known to man (not even kidding...), and the amp that I keep coming back to is the 5150. Sure, there are better sounding amps out there, but they're all 3-4 times more expensive (used) and they surely don't sound 3-4 times better.

Unless something happens to my current 5150, or they come out with something new that just totally blows it away, you can pry my 5150 from my cold, dead hands :p
I know there's a lot of love for the 5150 around here, but I guess I can't share that same love. Maybe it's the unusable clean channel that really puts me off.

But on the flip side; I've noticed the cab you pair with it makes a huge difference. When I had it paired with the matching cab, it sounded "ok". Got Mesa cab, sounded 10x better. I still prefer my Mark IV to the 5150 though.