Finally got Adagio - Underworld

Yngvai X

Dark Emperor
Jul 18, 2002
Woodland Park, NJ
All I can say amazing...its gonna take a few more listens to sink in but this album destroys from front to back. Definately contender for album of the year so far...Sorry for not posting a long review but it'd take too long to type out. This album has everything from super orchestral stuff (including a ballad that is just orchestra, guitar, bass, keys and voice) to really fucking heavy stuff to really prog to really shreddy stuff. Forte rips up a storm. He definately has become a much more mature player though. He really plays with shitloads of conviction and passion. Plus he's a monster composer and orchestrator. I think it'd be an insult to how well written the orchestral parts are to not mention his genius at composing these. This guy should score films. The real choir really makes the album take on a whole new life as if they had used a fake one (SyX should hire a real one some time :p).

But yeah so...go fucking buy this CD when it comes out in Europe/US or order a japanese import or something.
Needled24Seven said:
i have a feeling it will crush sanctus. this may be to early to ask, but do my predictions hold true? so far it sounds like it. :p

It doesn't exactly "crush" Sanctus the way Damnation Game "crushed" Symphony X or how Images and Words "crushed" WDADU. But it is certainly a step up in terms of complexity and maturity in the writing. The orchestral arrangements in Underworld make the orchestral parts of Sanctus look like they were written by a first semester composition major at Berklee lol. Theres a lot going on in this CD and it will take you several listens to truly apriciate everything it has to offer. It keeps getting better with each listen.
AAAGHGHGHGH!!!! I can't wait! I'll be giving (the best cd shop in Australia, if not the world) a email to see when it comes in.
Oh btw- How do you pronounce "Fort'e"? is it 'fort' or 'fortay'?
Polyeidus said:
Why do you say this?

I was just trying to say they blow away the orchestral arrangements on Sanctus. the first semester comp major poke was just trying to point out how most first semester students at berklee have little experience composing, thats all.

BTW, nice pic in your sig, whos the guy next to Devin?
Yngvai X said:
All I can say amazing...its gonna take a few more listens to sink in but this album destroys from front to back. Definately contender for album of the year so far...Sorry for not posting a long review but it'd take too long to type out. This album has everything from super orchestral stuff (including a ballad that is just orchestra, guitar, bass, keys and voice) to really fucking heavy stuff to really prog to really shreddy stuff. Forte rips up a storm. He definately has become a much more mature player though. He really plays with shitloads of conviction and passion. Plus he's a monster composer and orchestrator. I think it'd be an insult to how well written the orchestral parts are to not mention his genius at composing these. This guy should score films. The real choir really makes the album take on a whole new life as if they had used a fake one (SyX should hire a real one some time :p).

But yeah so...go fucking buy this CD when it comes out in Europe/US or order a japanese import or something.

Thank you for the updating... :Smug:

I intend to buy Sanctus until that this new CD arrives up to where we can
to buy it, but I don't know if it is a good album...

will it be that it is worthwhile to buy Sanctus? that is the question!

I never heard any music of them...

thank you! :cool:
DestrwidoR said:
Thank you for the updating... :Smug:

I intend to buy Sanctus until that this new CD arrives up to where we can
to buy it, but I don't know if it is a good album...

will it be that it is worthwhile to buy Sanctus? that is the question!

I never heard any music of them...

thank you! :cool:

Of course! Sanctus is a great CD in its own right.
Yngvai X said:
I was just trying to say they blow away the orchestral arrangements on Sanctus. the first semester comp major poke was just trying to point out how most first semester students at berklee have little experience composing, thats all.

BTW, nice pic in your sig, whos the guy next to Devin?
John K from Biomechanical.

I though the comp on Sanctus Ignis was pretty damn good. Forte's style and sound hasn't changed a whole lot since Sanctus, but it is a different album, Underworld that is. I loved his work on Sanctus, and I love his work on Underworld. It also helps that he wrote all the music on SI, besides Immigrant Song of course, and had a little help from Kev on Underworld.
He's just an all around awesome talent.
I listened to it when I was down in Bergen to play a gig... The new keyboardist, Kevin Codfert, is amazing, as he plays just like a sequencer and seems almost unable to show any human emotions in his soloing. Brilliant technique, but not much beyond a circus act... The music itself was a mixed bag.. some of it fell into the standard power metal traps, but much of it was cool and innovative. I might buy it when it is released internationally.
I actually wanted to see you guys but i could`nt get anyone to drive me so.....Anyway i heard that you were very nice recieved by the crowd and also that bjarte had a wicked drumsolo. It`s supposed to be videotaped so it`ll probably be available soon on Jarle`s homepage. I now your real name LP. How long did you guys get to play by the way?Did you play Osiris?????????
shredmaster said:
I actually wanted to see you guys but i could`nt get anyone to drive me so.....Anyway i heard that you were very nice recieved by the crowd and also that bjarte had a wicked drumsolo. It`s supposed to be videotaped so it`ll probably be available soon on Jarle`s homepage. I now your real name LP. How long did you guys get to play by the way?Did you play Osiris?????????

geez thats the wierdest post i've ever seen.. i guess im missing something lol..

anyhoo.. i only have two songs of their new album so far, chosen and mirror stage but both are fecking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sigh's.. i cant get enough of them. just needed to get that out of my system..go back to sleep!
SilentRealm said:
geez thats the wierdest post i've ever seen.. i guess im missing something

Well, the thing is Harp Heaven played live with a very good guitarist from Norway this weekend called Jarle, and i really wanted to go but couldn`t because of transportation problems. There`s a link to Jarle`s homepage on the "Band links" on the official Symx page, download the song "Osiris" from the webpage, it`s great!( Harp Heaven is in the list of bandmembers, he`s the keyboardist).