Finally saw Alive 2


Your favourite Czech
and what I liked the most was the chick who did the interviews in the document :)

OK, now on a more serious note, I wanted to do an unbiased (hehe) comparison with MOMD without seeing two concerts at once, because that would probably have tired me. I watched the Alive 2 first, and when Be All End All ended, I stopped it and put on this instant song from MOMD.

And what I think is:
Alive 2 has better sound, better picture, better energy onstage especially from Frankie and Scott (don't know why, but comparing to this one, Scott seemed to me rather tired on MOMD)
while MOMD has much better vocals. And I would have said so even if I hadn't prefered Bush from the start.

I remember there was a discussion about the best song from Alive 2, but having not heard it back then I couldn't pick. Many people chose Deathrider as far as I know, and even I really dislike Joey's vocals on it, I'd pick this one too.
So what was in the documentary? Just interviews with them about the reunion?

(How can I get a copy?...;))
Drokk said:
So what was in the documentary? Just interviews with them about the reunion?

(How can I get a copy?...;))

To be honest, nothing really special. Just the same stuff you already know from the interviews.
Yeah, but it's cool because they have like Joey, Scott, Charlie, Danny, and Frankie all meeting eachother at the beginning. It's basicly everything you already know except they're interviewing Danny and Joey.
MetalThrasher442 said:
Yeah, but it's cool because they have like Joey, Scott, Charlie, Danny, and Frankie all meeting eachother at the beginning. It's basicly everything you already know except they're interviewing Danny and Joey.

I had trouble believing that the "meeting" at the beginning is genuine.
Johnny the reason scott was probably pretty tired on MOMD was cause on that day they played at around 7:30 in the morning a 3 song set in their Pajamas actually lol one of my favorite gigs to watch even though it was only 3 songs it was just funny to see Bush up there in a robe singing got the time but still having to get up and play in front of not sure how many people were there but still it would make a man tired
Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
Answer to Above question can be answered for $13.99 at your local music store.
Here I'm sure it's at least double that
Mickenglanduk said:
How about a comparison between Alive 2 and NFV? I think Alive 2 due to better production.

I don't think you can really make that comparison. NFV was produced on film, Alive 2 was digitally recorded. The difference in technology between 87' and 05' is huge, so the sound is always going to sound better as time went on.

NFV is still a great video - what about those shorts !!!!!
johnnieCzech said:
I had trouble believing that the "meeting" at the beginning is genuine.
I think the meeting was genuine. I mean, they obviously talked on the phone and stuff before that meeting. But that was the first time the 5 of them were in the same room together.
That documentary was put together really well. And the best part of the Alive 2 concert is when Joey has the camera in Indians. He's filming Scott pay the MOSH PART, Scott points to the pit and then... :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
ThraxDude said:
I think the meeting was genuine. I mean, they obviously talked on the phone and stuff before that meeting. But that was the first time the 5 of them were in the same room together.
That documentary was put together really well. And the best part of the Alive 2 concert is when Joey has the camera in Indians. He's filming Scott pay the MOSH PART, Scott points to the pit and then... :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Yer, that rocks !!! The guys appear very down to earth in the doco...
johnnieCzech said:
I had trouble believing that the "meeting" at the beginning is genuine.

I think it was genuine.... Look at Scott's eyes when Joey walks in the room.. Anyway, I know I talk alot of shit, but I think it's cool that you gavethe DVD a chance cause I remember you saying that you weren't gonna watch it or buy it or something...
johnnieCzech said:
while MOMD has much better vocals.

:D sometimes I think this JohnnieCzech is John Bush himself. I feel really sorry for you if you can't accept the fact that Joey sings his classic songs the way they are supposed to sound. Alive 2 rips including the vocals. Everything rips. It's nice to hear Anthrax sound how they are supposed to sound! Bush is fine but singing Joeys songs is just not how its supposed to sound PERIOD. John Bush singing Joeys songs sounds like a cover band
ironmaidenfan09 said:
:D sometimes I think this JohnnieCzech is John Bush himself. I feel really sorry for you if you can't accept the fact that Joey sings his classic songs the way they are supposed to sound. Alive 2 rips including the vocals. Everything rips. It's nice to hear Anthrax sound how they are supposed to sound! Bush is fine but singing Joeys songs is just not how its supposed to sound PERIOD. John Bush singing Joeys songs sounds like a cover band
And, I suppose, you are Iron Maiden himself... What a privilege...The above mentioned classic song "Deathrider" really sounds as a cover when it's sung specifically by Belladonna 'cause originally it was sung by someone else.

Being a fan I bought Alive 2 & No Hit Whatever on the second day after the release, watched them the same evening, and never put them on again. Sorry, not interested. Somehow, MOMD - at least 3-4 times a month, not including the CD version, wich is being constantly abused in the vehicle. But this all is a matter of preference. What is not... aaa... disappearence of a band member during a set, unwillingness to touch the "touchy" subjects in the talking part, the setlist itself - could be longer, 'cause that was supposed to be an historic event (come on, even the old farts like AC/DC would give you 2 straight hours). The only thing I liked was the crowd, the famous Jersey Crowd I always see, when I go to Asbury Park, or to the Birch Hill, or to Continental Arena... That was it... Even the chick who took the interviews was fool of shit. It was the same one who was running w/ a cameraman during the live recording of TGOTE, asking stupid questions, hoping for stupid answers... MOMD has so much vibe, Alive 2 has only some nostalgia.
ironmaidenfan09 said:
:D sometimes I think this JohnnieCzech is John Bush himself. I feel really sorry for you if you can't accept the fact that Joey sings his classic songs the way they are supposed to sound. Alive 2 rips including the vocals. Everything rips. It's nice to hear Anthrax sound how they are supposed to sound! Bush is fine but singing Joeys songs is just not how its supposed to sound PERIOD. John Bush singing Joeys songs sounds like a cover band

That's pretty funny becasue I think Scott said in an interview that TGOTE was how the songs were supposed to sound.

I think Joey's got a good voice and I saw the reunion show and he was reaaly good, but I feel sorry for you if you can't accept that Bush is a great vocalist as well.
Alive 2 and MMD are both brilliant...

...but NFV is still the definitive Anthrax Live Performance on good ol VHS :D

Kinda like Maiden's Live After Death - nothing tops it (not even Rock in Rio or Death on the Road)
aliasp said:
Kinda like Maiden's Live After Death - nothing tops it (not even Rock in Rio or Death on the Road)
FUCK YEAH dude! I still think it's one of the best live recordings ever, even if most of the Powerslave performances aren't spot-on. Why this isn't on DVD is beyond me. I still prefer the live versions of Phantom, Die with your Boots on, Revelations, Flight of Icarus. I think that's the only case of a band where I've preferred a live version to a studio recording. Fucking Phantom...:worship:

And BaldGuy: great post man!
fair enough, I like Alive 2 better especially vocalwise, but it's a matter of preference. John Bush is a good vocalist though, just not for ANTHRAX IMO.