Find some rare treasures...


Mar 29, 2008
Bonsoir folkz !!

It seems sad but true... I am selling some old treasures like Karaboudjan, De Infernali, Bloodbath, Infestdead, Exhumation, Godgory, Diabolical Masquerade, Katatonia, Godsend, etc. on ebay for all German collectors. These are (you all know - of course ;)) projects/bands Mr. Dan Swanö was involved in. Btw Pan-Thy-Monium is coming soon.

Why? I'm no more into this kind of heavy music. I keep the QUINTIA ESSENTIA of Swanö's music in EoS's "best of", Nightingale and Second Sky... Thank you Dan for all the inspiration !!

So have a look!!*saphira*

Bonne nuit
wow that much? i remember sending cd's for much less.

maybe your sister is ripping you off :D

Maxibrief International Mindestmaße:
L: 140 mm
B: 90 mm
L+B+H=900 mm
keine Länge größer als 600 mm bis 100 g 2,00 EUR 4,00 EUR

by the way. do you have second sky already? :D
9€? That sounds a bit overpriced...
Sending packages for Europe where a CD could fit would cost around 3-4€ here in Portugal.

Today I've looked at the German Post-Homepage and discovered, that you're right :blush:: My sister didn't knew the possibility to send the CDs as a "Maxi"letter, and not as a package, which costs € 8,60. The "Maxi"letter will cost € 4,00 maximum...