Finland and Finntroll pix at last!

_Zsuzsa_ said:
Okay, I promised to show you these pix many many times and finally they are here :D So now I'd like to share my great experiences with you ppl, about Finland and about the fellow trolls :)

lets see a few favs:

Proudly present you Tundra (Sami - Finntroll bassist), John (MagSec4) and Kati (Sami's gf). Taken when they were in Budapest for vacation :)

Sami, John (what a serious expression :p ), Kati and me :)

My best pic taken on Tuska of Finntroll !!:rock: (yeah, unfortunately my cam sucked panda ballz :erk: )


and yeeeeeey! Me IN Lake Bodom!!! !!:rock: :lol: and yeah, I survived it :p

i think you were afraid to go the middle of the lake.... haha

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