Firewind Thongs

Hopefully by September it will be significantly longer.

I'm going to sit Apollo and Bob down one day and straighten their hair. They think I'm kidding...

OOOH! That reminds me. Backstage at Milan, Bob was like " straighten Alan's hair?" and I was like "'s that straight by itself" and Bob was like "NO WAY. TAKE IT DOWN AND LET ME SEE IT!!!!".

xx Kirsty
Hopefully by September it will be significantly longer.
I'm going to sit Apollo and Bob down one day and straighten their hair. They think I'm kidding...
OOOH! That reminds me. Backstage at Milan, Bob was like " straighten Alan's hair?" and I was like "'s that straight by itself" and Bob was like "NO WAY. TAKE IT DOWN AND LET ME SEE IT!!!!".

yes! tell Apollo he MUST let his hair grow LONGER!! that's an order!
are you serious? your going to bring a straightener to the show, sit them down, and actually straighten their hair :OMG: I WANNA STRAIGHTEN GUS'S HAIR!! :heh: no that's impossible...XD