First Full Mix (Djent)

Wow you Improved alot, I like the Attempt 5.9.8 mix, except drums...the guitar started to sound fatter as what it should. Don't over do it, keep it that way, just you need better souding drum especially kick, snare, OH and rooms. The Final Mastered version sound quite weak...and scooped...and everything squashed hard...clipping everywhere. Be careful bro. huhuhu.
Thanks a lot! That was my first attempt with anything with the Master! That actually made me realize how much everything was missing. Also I can't get good drum tones from S2.0 for the life of me, it's becoming really upsetting to be quite honest
Well first thing I gotta say is the guitar playing off quite sloppy. This entire genre is base around technique.
Well first thing I gotta say is the guitar playing off quite sloppy. This entire genre is base around technique. is sloppy, because I did not learn the song properly...that take just for my mixing practice...I would be happy if you listening to my mixing instead of my playing :) thanks.

By the way, I would prefer your previous version Attempt 5.9.8 mix, it sounds much fuller, this mastered version, sounds quite unpleasant..., thin, squashed and clipping, an advice on how to do a good mastering, everything sound pretty good when you're monitoring it at very high/loud level, try listening it at tiny level, compare with other same level [your reference band], put it side by side, do a comparison, check out the low end, the punch, frequencies, do your mix still sounds good when monitoring at lower volume? that is the most important bro.

Dude, I believe it must be wrong with your mix before you come to Mastering, try to mix it again, then when it comes to mastering, add multicomp, to balance out some low, tighten up the low end a lil bit, then a compressor, finally a Gclip, that is just a simple mastering, don't try to get it very loud 1st, playsafe, get your RMS hitting around -11db/-10db :)

Regarding your mix, everything sound over do it, if you're tired, do not force, relax for 1~2 days 1st, and start your day with a fresh ear, and listen to any band that you like [that is properly mixed/mastered], and your ear are ready to rock >:) keep it this way to keep your ear in tuned.
dude on the newer ones your guitars are really thin and piercing. It sounds way scooped you need to add mids to the rhythm and take some of the highs out of your lead guitar.
Bob if you don't mind, upload your dry di guitar track, bass track and midi for drums :) I would like to mix yours. Maybe I can give some help.

Yea man thats definitely a step in the right direction. It sounds a little weak in the low end, but the harshness is gone so good work there. idk if you're already doing this but having two bass tracks helps a lot with that. One round and full tone to fill out the low end, and one with little bass, and a lot of attack and grit (high mids), to glue the guitars and bass and create a "wall of sound".