First impressions of ProTools Free.

Mr. Hyde

Guitar, Bass
Apr 27, 2001
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I decided to give it a try and see for myself what ProTools software is like. The process for recording is similar to other products I've tried so I was able to record something pretty quickly without having to read the online manual. That's a plus.
I didn't get much farther than that however because everything I played had an echo on it. An off time echo at that. It records the dry sound and plays it back without the delay but while I recorded there was another delayed guitar playing along with me off time. Weird. I might play with it some more later but I think I'll probably end up deleting this program. I've grown tired of figuring out the idiosyncrasies of software.
Yea, like i mentioned in the other thread, I gave ProTools a quick try and came to the conclusion that it doesn't really do anything that other software doesn't and it's probably harder to use.

ProTools is probably best to stick with the high-end stuff that they're famous for, and leave the amatuer recording software to others. Without all of the sophisticated hardware to go with it and a dedicated system to run it on, the stripped down version of ProTools isn't any better than n-track or CoolEdit, etc... it's probably just harder to use. :p
The other positive of pro-tools..that my co=worker keeps pointing that if eve decides to get his stuff professionally mastered or mixed, its much easier because all the big studios can read his pro-tools files. He can just save everything to a CD, bring it to a studio, and they can open the whole thing up.

Did you download it for free? I'd like to try. Where did you get it from?
I think that ProTools has a real easy learning curve, and is pretty much the easiest program to use. Try learning Logic in a day, ha! Well, to combat the delay problem, you need to only monitor from your instrument, before you send the signal to your mixer. If you detail your setup, I think I might be able to help you work it out.
Thanks for the offer but It's not necessary because I have other software that I'm using for recording that works well enough for me. Thanks anyway.:)