First practice with my new band!


In memory of Chuck
May 2, 2001
Corner Brook Canada
Last night was the most fun i've had in a long while ,,,, well we had a band started before but it just sucked because it was only a drummer , guitarist and a vocalist ,,, but now we have a full line-up and it sounded awesome ,,, well actually I'll tell you the story ..

Excuse my bad english i'm a newfie <<<
We all show up at matt's(drums) house around 3:30 , we start practicing but it fuckin sucked and everyone was off time and shit like that ,,, anyway we soon got bored so we all left matt's and walked up to this place were everyone smokes weed ,,,, we smoked like 3 and a half G's and walked back to matt's .
We were all just sittin down right mellow watchin TV , and I got really bored so I picked up the guitar and started playin ,,, noone was payin attention to what I was playin and shit like that ,, anyway I started playin this riff that I had wrote the night before and I played it a couple times and then matt looked over at me and said " Play that again man" so I played it and he ran over and sat at his drums ,,, so I plugged my guitar in and started playin it ,,, he kicked in on drums and it all started from there ,,,, the drums fit perfect with the riff I was playin so I showed Steve (Guitarist) how to play the riff and a we played it for a while and then I told everyone to shut up for a bit so I could write a few more riffs , I sat down and I don't know what happened to me but I wrote a full song just jammin on the guitar ,, then I showed steve how to play the full song and then ryan made up some bass riffs to go along with it and Doug had some lyrics that he had written to sing along with it ,,,, anyway I told ryan to start out with just a bass riff and then steve matt and I would cut in and we'd all be on time so then Doug started to sing along and it just sounded like we were all playin together for years ,,like we were pro's at it or something ,,,,,anyway just wanted to let you know about it,,,,, I just thought it was pretty cool how it was our first real practice together and we managed to write a full song ,,,, and play that song like we were all pro's at it ,,, I was so supprised and happy,,, heheheh ,,,,,
Congratulations, if you guys keep it up you might as well put out several records and years before wasting yourselves to weed...I really would like you to experience the exact same thing without anything so you know what is like to actually create something on your own and mastering it and shape it into a song and letting the feelings the song give you come out throu the pen when writing the lyrics. THAT is rewarding your way its just....i dunno fun for you if something at all.