First Single Announced!! and it's not forsaker


Feb 23, 2006
The Hague - Netherlands
from myspace

Saturday, September 26, 2009

It can be revealed that the first single to be taken from the latest Katatonia album, ‘Night is the New Day’, will be ‘Day & then the Shade’ & will see a release in late October. A video will be shot for the same track as well. Full track details to follow shortly.

I like that title , Day and then the Shade.
The wait is getting harder and harder!!!
I'm glad to read that forsaker won't be their first single , I love that song but it's just not enough
Yup, love Forsaker quite a lot. It's hard not to listen to it to death. Thankfully Kat's songs don't tire easily. Now we'll get a new song to listen way too much to. But late october....loong wait...*whine*
from myspace

Saturday, September 26, 2009

It can be revealed that the first single to be taken from the latest Katatonia album, ‘Night is the New Day’, will be ‘Day & then the Shade’ & will see a release in late October. A video will be shot for the same track as well. Full track details to follow shortly.

I like that title , Day and then the Shade.
The wait is getting harder and harder!!!

Wow this is unexpected for me. I thought that New Night or Onward into The Battle will be the single. Anyways Day and Then The Shade sounds good too...
Hey, this is Katatonia we're talking about here. Awesome b-sides is something I've come to EXPECT from the band.

My one and only complaint about THE GREAT COLD DISTANCE was how they didn't include "Dissolving Bonds", "Displaced", "Code Against The Code" and "Unfurl" on the album. I absolutely loathe when bands cut songs off of albums like this. It's just like tearing chapters out of a book and selling the book with missing chapters. I had to make my own cd-r of the album with those 4 songs included. Listening to the retail album itself without those songs makes it sound so incomplete. I know the same thing will happen with NIGHT IS THE NEW DAY as well. I will definitely try to get the version with "Ashen" on it but I know there is still at least one more b-side out there and not having it included will drive me nuts. :mad:

As far as the first single goes, it's killing me that they are waiting so long to let us hear it. I got into Katatonia with their last album so I am rather new to them and don't know how long they like to wait to release debut singles (their earlier work didn't impress me for some reason, save for a few tracks here and there). But listening to the sample teaser, the song I think would have sounded great as a single is "Onward Into Battle". I can't get that chorus out of my head.
My one and only complaint about THE GREAT COLD DISTANCE was how they didn't include "Dissolving Bonds", "Displaced", "Code Against The Code" and "Unfurl" on the album. I absolutely loathe when bands cut songs off of albums like this. It's just like tearing chapters out of a book and selling the book with missing chapters. I had to make my own cd-r of the album with those 4 songs included. Listening to the retail album itself without those songs makes it sound so incomplete. I know the same thing will happen with NIGHT IS THE NEW DAY as well. I will definitely try to get the version with "Ashen" on it but I know there is still at least one more b-side out there and not having it included will drive me nuts. :mad:
B-sides are normally not included on the album because the band thinks they somehow don't fit the 'concept' or 'context' of the album. So your point of selling a book with missing chapters doesn't make sense really.. Including the B-sides would be like selling a book with extra, superfluous chapters that add nothing relevant to the story. And then, Unfurl was written and recorded separately, after the album was released, so I couldn't possibly have been included.

Then for pure convenience it's nice to have a version of an album with the B-sides included, cause playing singles to hear just 1 or 2 songs sucks.
I understand what you are saying. But honestly when I listen to my remade TGCD "Full Sessions" cd, I don't hear a story or a 'theme' from it, nor did I feel like those 4 songs didn't 'fit in' with the rest. I just hear 16 beautifully haunting songs that were recorded during a time in that particular artist's life. Katatonia will only create the material for TGCD once, so I prefer to own the entire collection of that particular moment in their careers on one single disc. Not to mention (as you said) that it's much more convenient than popping in all the singles.

I am not singling Katatonia out though. I hate it when ANY band cuts songs off of their albums. I don't like a band or record label to choose what songs they believe we will like the best to be on an album. I want to hear everything that a band recorded during an album's sessions (minus unmixed demos or retakes of course) so I can listen to the complete album session and decide for myself what I like and do not like on the album. And unfortunately, more often than not, I end up liking the b-sides more than the songs on the actual retail album and so all that manages to do is destroy the album's appeal for me once I learn some of the best tracks were left off, even if I thought it was a great album before I had heard the cut tracks.
I'm eager for some nice b-sides but maybe I'll wait until I've bought the album before hearing the single's title track...I just want this to be as fresh a listening experience as possible...but then that means more waiting...>_<