Have you ever heard the band Echoes Of Eternity? They are a "metal" band with incredible drums and nice guitar leads, but the female vocalist actually sings, and it sounds great! So there is one of the few exceptions to the rule where a metal band can make metal music without grunting or growling. And yes, I do like them (although their newest album AS SHADOWS BURN did not impress me as much musically as THE FORGOTTEN GODDESS did). As far as Within Temptation, the growls only dragged the music down for me. I wouldn't mind if they kept the same musical style they used on ENTER, but I still dont believe they need the growls. I also didn't like the male vocals on "What Have You Done" or "Utopia" either (though I can tolerate them far better than grunts). In that band, I prefer it if it's only Sharon singing. So while I can still appreciate some "metal" music, the vocals
must be appealing. But no, I am by no means a hardcore metalhead. I just love Katatonia because Jonas has a very soothing, haunting voice and it is backed by beautifully dark music which compliments his voice perfectly.
And I agree almost entirely with rorix_bladething. I can barely tell the difference from one grunter to the next. They all sound too much like someone trying way too hard to sound 'scary' or demonic and it just comes off as sounding silly to me. In the bands I do like, I am not even a fan of the screaming they use, but I can handle it in small doses. I guess I just am not an aggressive or energetic person. I am someone who would be perfectly content with going to a rock concert and sitting down in a chair in the front row just watching a band play while letting the music wash over me (if I knew I wouldn't get trampled). All that moshing/headbanging/stage diving stuff is not for me.

Hell, even though Katatonia is a more depressing sounding band, I am not a depressed person at all either. Sure, I get depressed sometimes about life (it's impossible not to) but overall I am a relatively happy, hopeful christian guy who just happens to love and appreciate the haunting melodies and vocal harmonies in darker atmospheric rock music.