First time...


Pick me Pick me!!!!
Jan 1, 2003
south of Holland
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ok, just another stupid thread, just to get my mind of my bloody studybooks....

When did you start listen to Anathema?? Does anybody remember place, song, anything??

I was 18 or something, and was smoking weed at a close friends house, he put on "Sleepless", and it was done for me!! :cool:

Just bought Pentecost III by 'accident' (angel watching over me shoulder? :saint: ).
I was stunned by We, The Gods. Guess i was 16, 17 by then. Took me 2 years more to get into Anathema again. A guy in my final highschool year introduced me to Eternity.
Angelica will uncomprimisedly be played @ my funeral. End of discussion ;)
I must have been 14 or something, my friends had recently discovered Anathema, and kept on trying to get me into it. (Must have been the Eternity or The Silent Enigma album they had, cant remember...) But goddamnit I hated that shit. Few weeks later there was a gig we were going to, where Moonspell and Anathema played together, so I joined to see Moonspell, but had to stand that crappy Anathema first. So, the band came on stage, and Vinny screamed something like "Is everybody allright?!" I was not ofcourse, so I yelled 'noooooooooooooo' (yeah, to many people noticed that
) But after the gig... I really loved Anathema, and I still do.
I was 7 (or 27?) when my would-be sweetheart sent me One Last Goodbye through IRC. I instantly fell in love both with him and the band (and it's funny but I met the band and the boy live at the same time, too, at the 2001 Sziget Festival in Budapest). So I'm quite a new fan.

I wish both Anathema and Antimatter could perform at this year's Sziget Festival.
I'm kinda new to anathema too, the first time I heard 'em was in the army when I borrowed my mates copy of Judgement. That was in the summer 2000, but it didn't quite click with me.

A whole year later I borrowed it again (for some reason I was sure this time I'd love it - and I did) and soon got me own copy. After that I got to know earlier stuff, especially a4.

Another year went by and I got to see them in greece :cool:
first time? damn i thought it was about the first time having sex :(

okay i heard deep on the radio. a week before graspop 1999. so i decided to go take a look at graspop. woho :)
I wanted a poster to cover one pale side of the wall of my room.
My friend gave me the current poster of the Hungarian Metal Hammer. There were some handsome guys on it, and actually it was an Anathema poster. So I placed it on the wall. Then I started to get courious: handsome guys wouldn't play that bad music, would they? :) So I bought the current album 'Eternity' and I liked it a lot. After this I got every previous album. And from that time I was following their 'musician career' :d
I was 16 then, and fortunately they came to Budapest in the same year ('accidently' to my favourite club)..
Charlotte1977 said:
I remember someone said the other day that "cute" is some kind of an insult.......correct me if i'm wrong...

Yes, that's right, cute is an insult, so from now on please talk about handsommies and ugly boys, no mish-mash of categories.