Fission - Crater


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Fission – Crater
Napalm Records – 2004
By Jason Jordan


Is this really the third time we’ve heard from Vintersorg this year? Frankly, I haven’t been too impressed with his outings in 2004. Fission is essentially a thrashy side-project for the man who is attempting to rival Hellhammer as far as number of musical projects goes. Crater, though, feels weak. I could imagine a large amount of this material being on the Vintersorg cutting room floor.

“Mechanism” is a brief introduction, which “Crater” replaces. The latter begins strongly enough but loses momentum due to its awkward chorus. The growls – as always – are well performed, as are the clean vocals. Really, I’ve never had a single qualm with Vintersorg’s vocals. “Accelerator” isn’t too appealing until 3:30 when sporadic guitar leads and cosmic synths take the forefront. “Empty Nimbus” is devoid of redeeming qualities. “Magnetism” thankfully picks up the slack. Inklings of Arcturus can be heard through the keyboards, and check the 2:30 mark for an excellent riff/odd time signature. “Mind Vortex” and “The Chaos Algorithm” are present to remind us of the group’s existential ponderings. You’d think Vintersorg would tire of penning similar lyrical content time and again. But, I guess Deicide don’t tire of desecrating the name of Christ either. “Syndrome” closes the album magnificently. It’s a shame that most of Crater isn’t this captivating. In addition, the compositions lack the punch that perhaps an edgy production would’ve given them.

Fission hasn’t crafted a mind-blowing album…at this juncture. Good ideas – that are well executed – spring up occasionally, but Crater isn’t able to rise above mediocrity. Therefore, I bestow my most distributed rating upon them:


Official Fission website
Official Napalm Records website