
\m/ Scanner Scrag \m/
Jun 22, 2008
went into JB today seeking out Ozzy Osbourne's "The Ultimate Sin" cause im really diggin Jake E. Lee atm WOOT found it for $9, was paranoid i wouldn't find it cause i read on wikipedia that its out of print because of some court case between Ozzy n the then bassist over the song Shot In The Dark.

Anyways so after i find that cd at a awesome price i head into the tv section see what i can find :D, grab The Brak Show season 2 for $16 which is cool, funny as Adult Swim cartoon, then walk around other TV sections AND OMG OMG OMG......


grabbed it straight away :D, fucking love that show, that price is so fucking good.

so yeah my haul:

Ozzy Osbourne - The Ultimate Sin
The Brak Show Season 2
Monty Python's Flying Circus

just wanted to let u guys know in case ur really into Monty Python :), its a pretty god damn awesome price for all 4 seasons of it! It says on the box that its a JB HI FI exclusive aswell. :goggly:
you can get everything Monty Phtyon has done -from Flying Circus to all their movies- in a boxset for about $140 at JB with a little pull apart Black Knight toy.

really need to pick one fo them up before they are sold out because I don't own any of their stuff on DVD yet.
On the weekend I scored 9 x 200g packets of Hans low-fat premium rindless bacon cuts for 25 cents each.
That's nearly 2 kilos of top quality bacon for under $2.
Needless to say, I had a shitload of bacon for breakfast this morning.