Follow The Reaper - The Different Mix


Oct 15, 2002
Far Beyond The Galaxy
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Well people mentioned here about Follow The Reaper having too many keyboard sounds on it.
The original mix for FtR had less keys and some slightly different backing vocals.
The difference isn't that great, but noticable.
what do you mean the original mix? are you friends with the band or something?

sound wise (leaving out composing) i think each album surpassed the previous... and HCDR well holy fuck, the sound is absolutely owning... those mean ass guitars and the mega huge bass and the harsher double bass sound, gotta love it!! also Alexi's growling is neater, i wouldn't know how cause i don't listen to any other death band but i can tell it has progressed...

and yeah FTR had a quite more keyboard than HB but i thought it sounded nice... like all the keyboard intros (Children of Decadence, Mask of Sanity)...
I agree.
HCDR is really good, my only disapointment with it is "triple corpse hammerblow", not that it's bas, it's really good too, but it should have been better ! The first part of the song (wityh double notes i think) is amazing, I think this song should have been sort of "kissing the shadows 2", but I'm not Alexi, and I'm quite off topic. (I love those double notes ! Is it at least sdouble notes ? The beginning of the tab I did last week had not that much succes... :( :lol: :lol: :lol: )
yes gaz knows cob...... and yes there are two mixs.... spinefarm and NB... at least i think thats what gaz is talking about
the spinefarm and all other versions have a different mix from the NB version.... that is what yer talkin about right gaz?
gaz, that's not true. The Spinefarm and Nuclear Blast version of Follow The Reaper are different. I have both and I wrote down the differences. I will upload it on the next days on a site so that you all can see.
Originally posted by Zarok666
gaz, that's not true. The Spinefarm and Nuclear Blast version of Follow The Reaper are different. I have both and I wrote down the differences. I will upload it on the next days on a site so that you all can see.

Is there a big difference between those versions? What site will you upload those?
very few differences.... but overall they made it have better sound.... (better echos, one or two extra lines) a few more things too.
There is NO two different FTR mixes. And if there is the keyboards are identical (I know, believe me). The album was first mixed in Sweden then later in Finland and this Finnish version was released.

Hmm Janne might there have been a leak?? Cause I have heard FtR mp3s of the same song (and same bitrate, etc.) with different-sounding production... I'm pretty sure the keys were different too, and I'm almost positive about the backing vocals... I'm confused, though, if you say there aren't two versions. :confused:

Btw GREAT job on Hate Crew Deathroll, dude, you kick ass...
Thanks dude. I think a leak is the only possible way to have gotten the "original" mix out. Still I played the keyboards once so I don´t see how there could be two different versions of them (other than level wise). And Yes I know that NB and Spine versions differ ( that´s a weird mistake too)

For a little while I only had CoB on mp3 but I eventually bought their albums when I found them, and I noticed that the FTR I had on mp3 was different than the version I had on the album, very minor differences but slightly noticable, the same goes for Hate me, but I think thats because the one I have on mp3 is from the single.
I will upload the site the differences between the NB and Spinefarm versions of FTR soon. It's all minor stuff, like some backing vocals which are louder on the NB version and a scream of Alexi in the song Follow The Reaper at 0:39 which can be heard on the NB version but not on the Spinefarm version for example.