Followin Opeth on tour


Three Quarters Baked
Jun 12, 2001
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I have always enjoyed music 'fastivals' i.e. Phish, Strangefolk, etc. jam bands. I love the free spirited hippy environment and the numerous substances. But I am not a big fan of the poppy happiness of the music, though I respect them greatly as musicians. I love metal, yet hate the bad moshy attitude metalheads can get. But Opethians are a different species of human all together, with deeper emotional and musical opinions.

So I had an idea. I have always had friends who Followed Phish or The Greatfull Dead (sp?) cross country. It sounds so fun (if you have money)! I want to round up some fellow Opethians to follow them on their next US tour. It will be a while until that happens again, so we have a lot of preparation time. This will also help Opeth gain more recognition. We could camp out sometimes, Motel it, have Hodies (hotel parties), and just have a great time, a lifelong memory. The problem is that we live in different parts of the country (those of you who are Statesians). Another issue would be wether ot Opeth would headline. But seeing them for an hour would still be orgasmic (pardon my phrase.)

I will check this thread for replies, but I can't very often. My usual email is : (one, not L)

I'd do it. I'm in Oklahoma. So if it happens, count me in. (If it's away from school time) hmmmmm........even if it is maybe I'll go anyway :heh:
I would follow but im broke. Maybe if i do some short of job for everyone like washing everyone's clothing aound the tour or give interested people guitar lessons i could afford it.
i'm too attached to my job to get al lot of time off... and even if i'd quit to study i'd be under time pressure...