Foods from around the World, lets hear em!


Hailing from Québec, the people's food.


Hmm, is this the same as a Pastrami Sandwich?
oddly enough i wanna try the pyttipanna

Do it!
It aint that great in my opinion, but tbh, theres really nothing wrong with it.. its just potatoes, random meat and onions.
In Sweden pyttipanna is famous for being shitty school-food, made from the weeks leftovers. :erk:

Not from Berlin, but it hasn't been mentioned yet...



Yeah, that shit rules!
Used to eat it like once a week. :lol:
Just the meat, some garlic and kebab-sauce = Epicz.. no need to accessorize! ;)

Oooh man, Sweden Rock Festival flashbacks!
Kebab made out of Wild Boar! .. shit, im drooling!
South African foods are quite nice, well, not so much a 'meal'.. billtong (no idea how to spell it), is like really dry salty meat.. sounds awful but its delicious. Whole bunch of other dried meats that I have no idea how to spell.

Also Malva Pudding is the most delicious dessert ever, bit like sticky date but better.
No marmitako Jevo? ;) and you have the best vegetables too ;)

However, in madrid there's "oreja" ( pig ears for everyone)






There's lots more, this country is filled with food for everyone :kickass:
We've got stuff like Zwiebelrostbraten (fried beef and onions in gravy):

Or Kässpätzle (Spätzle are some kind of German pasta, Kässpätzle are Spätzle with cheese and roasted onions)
Not the best picture, but you get the idea.

Linsen und Spätzle (lenses with Spätzle and a sausage, sometimes back bacon)

Flädlesupp (it's a clear soup with old pancakes which are cutted to smaller pieces, not the fat american ones, in it)

There are many other things like liver with gravy and mushrooms, or Leberspätzle (Spätzle with mixed liver in the pastry)
and so on...I fucking love the local food! Ok I like almost everything with good meat
if there's no meat it has to taste really good ;)
Northeuropean dish, salt meat and potatos... Called "Labskaus" in germany...

I am not into eating meat anymore, except fish... But that Beacon&Chesse-Sandwich looks really tasty....
A f*cking disguisting, horrid piece of food some people from Sweden are stupid enough to eat just because our schools suck at cooking: PYTTIPANNA!


disgusting? We have the same thing over in the states but we call it hash, usually breakfast thing, cook it with some eggs and make a burrito out of it. Breakfast burrito FTMFW!

would like to try lukfisk for some odd reason or another. Curious about rolled head cheese injected with garlic and some form of goat cheese and the deep fried, seems like that would be pretty good.

Though it seems like I would be in absolute euphoria if I ever went to Germany, crazy delicious sounding and looking food, good booze, hell yeah

and even though I am not Austrian I have to add

Not from Berlin, but it hasn't been mentioned yet...



we have this everywhere in England, though its not normally eaten unless you've had a long night on the booze&#8230; though it is tasty with some garlic or chili sauce&#8230;

the best thing about getting it in Germany from when i was in Berlin was gettin a can of Lager with it!!

that was awesome

heres a couple of dishes from North England


Cumberland Sausage, really really nice with some Mash and Onion Gravy!!

also, there are variations of the next one from around the world, but this is Corned Beef Hash I grew up eating in north west england

(Sorry for the pic size)

I know in the pic this comes from a can, but i make it with tinned corned beed and fresh mash and some diced onions, then i fry the fucker rather than just in a pan or microwave, its the nicest thing in the world, just a bastarding hassle to make...
Where do you get those things? I've never seen them anywhere... It's probably just that we don't have them around here at all, we've found other ways to get ourselves obese I guess.