Football goodies

Morpheus said:

well what i don't understand is why Hoyzer did this in the first place, cause our referees are well paid. Some, the best ones, earn like a million a year i heard. So why the fuck this greed eh, bastard. Now our image suffered badly from this twats greed for money. If it's only him.

Friendship might be strong motivation too.
my dying groom said:
Rumours have it that three players from Hertha BSC Berlin are involved in this fucking mess. Simunic, Nando Rafael and Madlung.
yeah i read that too. I hope it's not true, it would be a big scandal

@ Maqus: Friendship? with who?
Dem schließe ich mich doch glatt an...


Hoch soll er leben...! Laß Dich feiern! :grin:
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