
sol83 said:
like everton is doing better... :Smug:

Ok, lets compare clubs then. We are financially on our arse like, and have been for a long time. Houllier has spent millions at Liverpool and you already have one of the best strikers in the world in little Mikey Owen (aww), but only managed to score that re-taken penalty at Chelsea in three games. We cant afford to splash out on world class players like you lot but we're not doing bad eh? Considering the money Liverpool have spent then we are doing much better. Proper hard working footballers like, not whingy horrible superstar twats like Stevie Gerrard and Diouff or whatever his name is. The difference between the fans is that you lot are spoilt and expect to win everything, whereas we are realistic and appreciate what we have (slightly bitter too..). The Heysel thing ruined Everton, thanks to you lot. Even if you do win tomorrow, it will hopefully keep Houllier at Liverpool for longer and thats fine by me ;)


Pride of Merseyside (which is in the North West of England in case you Liverpool 'fans' dont know :lol: )
Well, as a German living in Munich I need to say anybody can win the Premieur League - except of ManU. I can only hope Stuttgart will kick ´em out of the Champions League, not very likely though, but I am optimistic. I always enjoy Liverpool and dislike Arsenal just because of Henri, he´s a great player no doubt, but a fucking arrogant wanker, no thanks. Furthermore I am a fan of Owen. Not only that he is a great striker, it appears to me that he is a great sportsman as well. I was deeply impressed of his game against Germany (I forgot the result though). Not only his goals but his complete performance. E.g. Thomas Linke fouled him a couple of times where every Italian, Spanish and Portugese, and probabyl even German or French player would have claimed a penalty for - not Owen, he stood up and tried to strike the goal even though over and over again, but that I like anyway in British football. Enough said out premieur league:

Werder Bremen is leading the Bundesliga, I had a couple of Becks on that !!!
panathinaikos willl do it mate ;)
btw fancy going to manchester to see the game against the greeks? I fancy it! but.... hmm *grumbles*
we just got kewell this season. i don't think that counts as spending lots of money. i mean look at chelsea...
youre right dunc! i know tomasz radzinski from his time with anderlecht and he works as hard in 20 minutes as 'little' (hehe) owen does in a full game.

what about the heizel? the ravage in brussels? :(
sol83 said:
we just got kewell this season. i don't think that counts as spending lots of money. i mean look at chelsea...

oh come on sol? like all their players have acceptable wages.... :Smug:
Whining about lack of money, I've always been supporting Oldham in England. Can't really tell you why, started way back.

And my club in Denmark Fremad Amager (btw the same as Thomas AG of Saturnus) is competing with clubs that have 20 times the budget for wages (Danish division 1), don't know when we last paid a transfer fee but it's years and we're still 4th placed.
Strangelight said:
Ok, lets compare clubs then. We are financially on our arse like, and have been for a long time. Houllier has spent millions at Liverpool and you already have one of the best strikers in the world in little Mikey Owen (aww), but only managed to score that re-taken penalty at Chelsea in three games. We cant afford to splash out on world class players like you lot but we're not doing bad eh? Considering the money Liverpool have spent then we are doing much better. Proper hard working footballers like, not whingy horrible superstar twats like Stevie Gerrard and Diouff or whatever his name is. The difference between the fans is that you lot are spoilt and expect to win everything, whereas we are realistic and appreciate what we have (slightly bitter too..). The Heysel thing ruined Everton, thanks to you lot. Even if you do win tomorrow, it will hopefully keep Houllier at Liverpool for longer and thats fine by me ;)

if u compare it that way, yer obviously right.
but do go on about the penalty, i was crying enough as it was... :yell:

From the very moment Houllier shoved Evans from his seat he kept buying 'promising' players: Vignal, Kippe, Biscan, Smicer, Barmby, Heskey and Hamann. Players who's scored 5 goals all together - Barmby did great stuff tho! Bought Barmby from everton, and kicked him out through the backdoor. huh!?
Heskey cost him 11 million, cos he couldnt buy any other domestic english lad, cos he didnt want a 2nd Arsenal. At Leicester already he could have noticed that our rock in attack had no oustanding skills at all. Bad scouting. On Anfield we had a perfect display how skill and hard perseverin' work can do a rock-swirl striking partnership do their trick and score; Hartson-Larsson.
The only good buy he did (free transfer actually) was Marcus Babbel, a formidable player, but his mentality has abandoned him, as Houllier thought he didnt recover soon enough from his sickness (some syndome kept him out for about a year). He even raised his wages and enlengthened his contract! On loan to Blackburn, cos no-one wants to have him.

Liverpool's tactics: fear. Not striking fear into the hearts of defenders, no, them lads play 8-1-1 and think we can be underestimated by playing countering attack. Like no-one's on that after 4 yrs... won us nice trophies tho... well in, have to give him that 'ey? But the fear's in their heads. Playing 1-0 all the time got us trophies, but what if Sami's been sent off in the 5th minute? Like Biscan (running from coast to coast, but leaves the ball in defence like) can do miracles.

The whole thing's about defence. Defence was our best attack, but became too transparant. SO, use yer wingers then! Give Richie Partidge a go! Alrite, we've got Kewell now, so line up Smicer. Sell Heskey, and get yerself a nice strong swedish lad. Or play Baros ffs. Kick the shit out of that arrogant Stevie, and let him play like 1.5 yrs ago, he was on the top of everything mate. And get yerself some real creative players, so assist Kewell and Mikey.

Not to mention his '2nd chance' from Parry. Buying kids like from who-knows-where, knowing the club from randomly surfing t'internet ffs.
As Duncan mentioned, where's the fighting spirit? Last game i've seen that, was the UEFA cup final (5-4!) dammit.

Give me back my pride or swallow your's Gerard.
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
how can you support teams in a different country than yours? how do you pick them?
we always used to visit england, and i've always watched english football. thought Rotterdam and Liverpool are similar, impressive cities.
Admire Ireland, and must have backtracks there.
And why am i at the forum like.

ps: and our competition is Mickey Mouse like, the germans bombed us, and the french, well, i like psg - that kinda says it. I'll skip belgium for now.. :D
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
how can you support teams in a different country than yours? how do you pick them?

I played footie for Fremad Amager when I was 7, lived most of my life within a mile of the stadium and been supporting the team forever, obviously I support no other club as I do them, but I have sympathies. Some simply because I liked the name as a child, some because of playing style (say Laudrup era Barcelona) and some for no reason I'm aware of (say Oldham).
the greek league is pathetic. and i like the sport very much and picking clubs from england is comon thing for footy lovers so that's how i got stuck with lfc i guess...
i liked manchester utd as a kid cause i had this videogame on amiga (called manchester utd !)
it was the era of hughes and mc clair. and irwin of course. boom. but i dont like em much anymore cause, why would I? :Spin: