Anyone follow the MLS here?


Music + Science = Sexy
Feb 7, 2003
NW Chicago 'burbs
Any American soccer fans that follow the MLS on here? What do you think of the Metrostars being renamed the New York Red Bulls? I think it's retarded.

I'm salivating about the new season starting. Hopefully, my team (the Fire) can make it to the finals again. They were so close last year. I'm planning on going to a couple of games this year. Especially the home opener at the new stadium (which is about two miles from my in-laws' house).

Oh yeah, expected to be announced today: The MLS all-star game will be played at the new Fire stadium against....Chelsea! I'm really interested in going to this game so I can see a Premiership team play in person. (Granted, it'll probably be their reserve squad, but still)
mls doesnt get shown over here, i dont think anyway... so i havent a clue about it, no idea what the teams are called nevermind who's good or not :)........ when is the all star break tho?!?!?

defo go see chelsea even if it is their reserve team playing, their squads so huge it'll still be a good side they put out........just depends when the game is....camt be over june july when the world cup is on surely?

but geez...u want your season to start..... i just want this season over !! my team stink
Rem - I read about the Galaxay and their playoff runs in the sports page during the season and how bad Chivas is doing. My sports radio station (AM) broadcasts the Galaxy games on radio here in LA. The Home Depot Center where they play is next to my Alma Mater CSU Domignuez Hills (dingus kills).
Does Mo Johnston still play/magage/coach one of the teams over there??
Think it was Kansas City Wizards........I might be wrong.

If you meet him shake his hand and say he was great for Celtic. Then spit on him and call him a traitor for signing for Rangers!!!

Just kidding!!!!! He went a long was to try and break a few boundaries by singing for the Gers!!!

Still don;t think he can walk the streets of Glasgow, though!!!
lokey said:
defo go see chelsea even if it is their reserve team playing

Cheaty cheaty London :mad: give an excellent diving display if that's your bag!

lokey said:
i just want this season over !! my team stink

So, who's your team? Can't be much worse than mine (tha Toon) unless you're a Mackem :Puke: :heh:

Cheers me dears,

remington69 said:
Any American soccer fans that follow the MLS on here? What do you think of the Metrostars being renamed the New York Red Bulls? I think it's retarded.

Red Bull allways works like this. The Red Bull Boss Mateschitz (Austrian) bought the soccer team "Austria Salzburg" and renamed it to "Red Bull Salzburg" AND changed their team-colors from violet to red.
The fans were upset because of the changings. "Money can't buy tradition!"
So mateschitz just took 200 season-tickets away from the fans who organized protest.

But Mateschitz also bought many expensive players and now they'll probably win the championship title. So, many fans are happy with Red Bull, and some aren't.
does the guy with the red fro still play?
Nope, in fact, he's the new GM of the "Red Bull"

Which team does Steve Nicol (former Liverpool great) manage?
New England Revolution (who beat the Fire in the playoffs last season)

Does Mo Johnston still play/magage/coach one of the teams over there??
He's the coach of Red Bull New York (formerly the Metrostars)
broonale72 said:
Cheaty cheaty London :mad: give an excellent diving display if that's your bag!

hahaha man chelsea are feeling the rage at the mo, thats what u get when you win stuff tho, look at man u a few years ago, everyone hated them, now, no one gives a toss, cept city fans... and maybe you guys :)............. i dunno they dive, drogba is crap and shifty, but so many teams get up to dodgy stuff, the rules should be the same for everybody........anyhoo every major team who wins stuff has at least a player that winds the other team up in some way or another, it just works.......

i dont mind chelsea but purely cos they got bridgey on their books ( even tho he is at fulham at the mo,'ll see why bridge, below) they should play him more.........anyhoo, i may live in london and have done the last 8 years, but i dont support any london fact spurs are my second most hated team in the world i reckon, it would be embaressing to have them in europe.......

So, who's your team? Can't be much worse than mine (tha Toon) unless you're a Mackem :Puke: :heh:

### hahaha oh how wrong you can be, right now the toon look like ac milan in comparison to.............southampton

gutted........down from the premiership, and doing our utmost to get dumpd out of the championship, i cant talk saints right now, cos i just get super wound up........... we are so shit right now, just awful to watch, we'd have trouble beating an mls team i reckon ;) heh jus messin, like i say i know nothing about mls........i can summarise the majority of the last fw years in two words: LOWE OUT !

the only thing i care about this season is the scum dropping down, and punting the twat redknapp out of football, but in a truly annoying turn of events they seem to be digging themselves out of a hole.....scummy bastards

at least when they come down we get to have two wins a year that mean something
All of your football! teams have strange names! The New Jersy Throw in's, San jose penalty kicker iner's, Florida left backs!

Just name the team where their bloody from.

Do you have extra time multiiii ball?
Do you have extra time multiiii ball?

hahaha i like that bud ad, i think extra time multi ball is a badass idea, saints might actually score !.........tho we won at the weekend....hurrah ! maybe we wont drop after all...........maybe :)

cmon saints !!! you can beat this shit !!