dtmetalfan69 said:
All you cubs fans are kiling me. I am a natural born southsider that drinks coke and not pepsi. Go Sox! All the way baby! And if we dont' win, at least we can say that our stadium did not hurt anyone!:heh:

Keep Rockin'

You got that right. The ONLY baseball team in Chicago is the SOX. :worship: Only posers go to Wrigley.
I've been a Yankees fan since birth, and I always will be. There are many things to enjoy about being a Yankees fan, not the least of which is being vehemently hated by fans of lesser teams.
Pellaz said:
I can go back and play the Infamous Ninth Inning from tape here and just get goosebumps from the suspense and tension: Braves vs. Pirates, Braves down by one, two outs, tying run at third and winning run at second in the person of Sid "Scooter" Bream (his nickname was a joke on his lack of running speed)....with the entire city hanging on every pitch to Francisco Cabrera. It doesn't get much better than that.

lol, I got chill bumps just reading that... I remember precisely where I was at that moment... I had to pull the car over to high-five my friend Courtney. I'll *never* forget it. You're right, it just doesn't get any better than that.

lady_space said:
lol, I got chill bumps just reading that... I remember precisely where I was at that moment... I had to pull the car over to high-five my friend Courtney. I'll *never* forget it. You're right, it just doesn't get any better than that.

I was at a friend's house, editing stuff for Dragon*Con. After Sid Bream's famous slide ("They're gonna have to hospitalize Sid Bream....he's at the bottom of a pile at the plate!") my friend and I ran outside joyfully to honk the horn on my car. All around us you could hear people yelling and cheering in their houses, and from Indian Trail (nearby roadway), car horns were already honking like mad.....

Truly a magical moment.
chibitotoro said:
I've been a Yankees fan since birth, and I always will be. There are many things to enjoy about being a Yankees fan, not the least of which is being vehemently hated by fans of lesser teams.

I'm sorry.......

Not lesser teams, just less of a payroll! George is willing to throw down the cash to keep you Yanks entertained! :worship:
longshot9 said:
Hockey, I can stand it to an extent, just hate the fights.
Aw man, I love a good hockey fight...but they've all but done away with it. The arena is electric after a good brawl. Nothing beats watching two heavyweights drop the gloves and throw hands.

Bear said:
No matter what anyone says, Bonds is still teh best player the game has ever seen, bar none.
Mays, Mantle or DiMaggio, imo. Say Hey and The Clipper were five tool players, they could do everything and do it very good. As far as I'm concerned, The Hammer (Hank Aaron) is now, and will be, the home run king. All these guys on the juice don't even get consideration in my opinion.

Pellaz said:
Yeah, that's it in a nutshell. Football has a bit of suspense since it's broken up with downs and huddles, but basketball and hockey, with their nonstop action, have almost none.
Oh man, you've obviously never sat through a double or triple overtime Stanley Cup playoff game. For my money there is not a better sport to see live, in person, than hockey.
Man! It must suck to be a Met fan, huh? 0-3 to start the season? That's no good!! Good thing you paid the big bucks for Martinez and Beltran, huh? Last night, 'Stros won and Mets lost. Today Mets lost again!! There was certainly no shit talking today.

TheWhisper said:
Oh man, you've obviously never sat through a double or triple overtime Stanley Cup playoff game. For my money there is not a better sport to see live, in person, than hockey.

Oh sure, there are some times in ANY sport where the suspense is great, but there are, overall, more chances in baseball due to the pacing.

Also, other sports have a rigid time limit, and if you're down 30 points in basketball or football, or 5 goals in hockey, and there's a minute left, there's no're done. In baseball, there's always a theoretical chance for the losing team to come back and win it in the ninth. Not too often, but I've seen it. Braves came back and won a game in the ninth, trailing by 8 runs going into the inning (!)
lady_space said:
lol, I got chill bumps just reading that... I remember precisely where I was at that moment... I had to pull the car over to high-five my friend Courtney. I'll *never* forget it. You're right, it just doesn't get any better than that.


I remember that game vividly... To post great moments in games, Last year in the NL Championship series Game 6. Tess I know you were there also. When Kent hit the walk off 2-run shot to force a 7th and deciding game... That was just pure MAGIC!!! I've never been a part of something so crazy!!!!!

Too bad we couldn't finish them off in the next game. But it sure has to go down as the "All-Time Astros Moment".
Shane DuBose said:
I remember that game vividly... To post great moments in games, Last year in the NL Championship series Game 6. Tess I know you were there also. When Kent hit the walk off 2-run shot to force a 7th and deciding game... That was just pure MAGIC!!! I've never been a part of something so crazy!!!!!

Too bad we couldn't finish them off in the next game. But it sure has to go down as the "All-Time Astros Moment".

OF COURSE!!! We were going CRAZY when he hit that home run. I was just talking about that the other night when Isringhausen (sp) came in to pitch. He was the one who Kent hit it off of and he was PISSED!! My friend sent the clip out the next day and I just listened to it over and over for hours I swear. SO AWESOME!! That was the same game that Beltran made that absolutely incredible catch in centerfield. It was just an awesome year last year. It was like everyone in Houston was doing the same thing every night. Either watching the game at home or at the stadium.

Another one of my favorite moments was when Tavarez pitched his little hissy fit in our dug out and then had to show up to the next game with a cast. HAHA!!
Bad Girl Tess said:
OF COURSE!!! We were going CRAZY when he hit that home run. I was just talking about that the other night when Isringhausen (sp) came in to pitch. He was the one who Kent hit it off of and he was PISSED!! My friend sent the clip out the next day and I just listened to it over and over for hours I swear. SO AWESOME!! That was the same game that Beltran made that absolutely incredible catch in centerfield. It was just an awesome year last year. It was like everyone in Houston was doing the same thing every night. Either watching the game at home or at the stadium.

Another one of my favorite moments was when Tavarez pitched his little hissy fit in our dug out and then had to show up to the next game with a cast. HAHA!!

That is DEFINITELY one of those things I will never forget :D Walking up to the stadium tuesday gave me chills!!!

Thanks for the welcome back teddy BEAR! :wave: I know you took that pic. Tess couldn't have taken it...or it wouldn't be on here! :( can't find em' :( :( :(
NY is going to rock SO HARD! Mets and the Yankees in one weekend. Can't beat that! Oh yeah....and those people we get to see will be good too!! hahah ;)
Good game Braves fans! My gosh. Sadly, we lose but the way I see it we deserve to continue to lose until our fielders learn to call the freaking pop ups and stop running in to each other or just watching it drop. It looks TERRIBLE!!
TheWhisper said:
Mays, Mantle or DiMaggio, imo. Say Hey and The Clipper were five tool players, they could do everything and do it very good. As far as I'm concerned, The Hammer (Hank Aaron) is now, and will be, the home run king. All these guys on the juice don't even get consideration in my opinion.

Thats ok denial isn't a river in Egypt :loco:

I don't understand the need to knock one sport against another. I grew up loving baseball, football, soccer, hockey, and basketball. I enjoyed going to both hockey and basketball games during the winter times although I think I like it when there was less focussing on dunking only. I will say that the Phoenix suns, my hometown team since '95, make it fun to watch again.

Nothing beats hockey live!!! I just wish that the powers that be would stop messing around with it to try to make it all scoring. They messed up hockey with way too much expansion.

as for baseball, I LOVE the thought of listening to a baseball game on a early weekend evening while you are out by a lake or in your back yard taking it easy during the summer time. I will always say the best thing about baseball was said in city slickers when the girl didn't understand why guys like knowing all the statistics. I can also say that it is so true that my Dad and I really aren't the biggest conversationist towards each other but we can enjoy a good time at the old ballpark. Tiger Stadium and Cleveland Stadium hold many memories as a kid. I also loved that whatever summer vacation trip we took, we would try taking in a baseball game at the local stadium.
Bad Girl Tess said:
Good game Braves fans! My gosh. Sadly, we lose but the way I see it we deserve to continue to lose until our fielders learn to call the freaking pop ups and stop running in to each other or just watching it drop. It looks TERRIBLE!!

Definitely a good game! I had to go to bed after the 10th, but I love pitching duels like that... and I always think it's great when the "old" guys can still bring it, like the Rocket. and good to see a hometown boy doing good! (Huddy's from mine & Bryant's 'hometown'.)

Shall we do it again tonight?? lol

I do believe they did! :)

Correct me if I'm wrong......but both games went the full nine innings scoreless? That's highly unusual...and the sort of game where both teams can feel like they played good ball afterward.

Going to see the Mets tomorrow and the Yankees on Saturday. I LOVE CARLOS BELTRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!