
Jul 25, 2002
North Carolina
We have our home opener here in Houston tomorrow and I am SO excited!! We're playing St. Louis so it will be a great game.

Who else loves baseball and what team do you follow? I am an Astros fan, of course!! I'm going to NY in a few weeks and I'm going to catch a Mets and Yankees game. It should be a fun time :Spin:

I didn't think anything could make me feel better when I woke up this morning and then I remembered ............ WOO BASEBALL -- I LOVE IT!!
Emerald Sword said:
The Philadelphia Phillies are my team since birth. Unfortunately, as usual, we have no fucking starting pitching!

Aha. Well, maybe you'll be surprised! We have awesome starters.............WOO! Thank God Andy Pettite can pitch this year!!
My dad played semi-pro ball and was a longtime Little League umpire, so baseball, it runs in de blood. :)

The four finest words in the English language: "Pitchers and catchers report." :D

I follow the Braves, but due mostly to scheduling (I work nights) I haven't been to a game in two seasons. Nice new ballpark, so it's worth the price to go. That new display screen sounds like it should be killer!
GO CUBS!! Growing up in Southwestern Michigan & Chicago being less than a 2 hour drive, it was hard to not be a Cub's fan. Never did like the Tigers! Wrigley field is such an awesome place to go to. I normally make a trip to Michigan in the summer and hit a Cub's game when I'm there. I just hope the pitching staff stays healthy. YES BASEBALL SEASON IS HERE! :hotjump:
Tigers win the pennant!!! Tigers win the pennant!!!

Okay, I should calm down but I love opening day!

Tigers win :cool: , Indians lose :Smug: :ill: and the D backs are now underway!! :hotjump: I am huge fan of all 3 due to having lived in all 3 locations most of life.

Plus, one thing never changes, I HATE the Yankees!!
Pellaz said:
My dad played semi-pro ball and was a longtime Little League umpire, so baseball, it runs in de blood. :)

The four finest words in the English language: "Pitchers and catchers report." :D

I follow the Braves, but due mostly to scheduling (I work nights) I haven't been to a game in two seasons. Nice new ballpark, so it's worth the price to go. That new display screen sounds like it should be killer!

Hey, if you need someone to go to a game with, just let me know! :D My mom's family's from Atlanta, so she's been a Braves fan since forever.

I hate that I'll be out of town for the home opener, on a Friday, and against the Mets to boot! :wah: I can't wait to see Smoltzy as a starter again. I'm getting up and getting to work early tomorrow so I can be home in time to catch at least most of the game.

Tess, maybe our teams will meet in the playoffs again this year. :)

Megametal said:
GO CUBS!! Growing up in Southwestern Michigan & Chicago being less than a 2 hour drive, it was hard to not be a Cub's fan. Never did like the Tigers! Wrigley field is such an awesome place to go to. I normally make a trip to Michigan in the summer and hit a Cub's game when I'm there. I just hope the pitching staff stays healthy. YES BASEBALL SEASON IS HERE! :hotjump:

Go Cubs! I am listening to their game now :)

More importantly - GO REDS!!!!! WAHOO!!!! Even Carlos Beltran and Pedro Martinez can't make the Mets a winning team. :p Although, Carlos looks DAMN GOOD trying!! ;)
lady_space said:
Hey, if you need someone to go to a game with, just let me know! :D My mom's family's from Atlanta, so she's been a Braves fan since forever.

I hate that I'll be out of town for the home opener, on a Friday, and against the Mets to boot! :wah: I can't wait to see Smoltzy as a starter again. I'm getting up and getting to work early tomorrow so I can be home in time to catch at least most of the game.

Tess, maybe our teams will meet in the playoffs again this year. :)


Oh, I bet they will!! Hopefully we'll have the same results as last year as well ;) No offense ...................just really ready for the good ole boys to WIN ONE!!
Bryan316 said:
I'm Jonesing for hockey playoffs.........

I hear ya brotha!

Bryan316 said:
I'm Jonesing for hockey playoffs.........


What league, Bryan? I'm a huge hockey fan (NHL, UHL (favorite) and AHL) and I can't wait for the playoffs to start... Go Trashers!

On the other hand, I could seriously give a shit about baseball... But if I were to pick a team it'd be (not because of last season) the Boston Red Sox..
I went out with my friends Saturday all around town. We stopped at one place. They had Bubble Hockey.

We played it for two hours.

We couldn't walk away.

I feel broken.... incomplete... desperate.... victimized.....

I'm gonna go dig out my roller hockey skates.
Big time fan here. My favorite day of the year today. A's and Padres are my 2 main teams (live in bay area now, lived in SD for 16 years before that), also follow the Cubbies cause that's where I was born. Also pull for the stros cause they're my best friends team.
I know... it hurts...

It's all good though.. Hopefully next year NHL will be back =)

In the meantime, you should most definetly follow the playoffs of both AHL and UHL... It's getting pretty intense =P
for those like me who miss playoff hockey, here is a funny site: :tickled: A season without my redwings and I was excited with seeing brett hull help the youngsters on my coyotes but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I had to settle for the New mexico scorpions this year while on training and if no next season, I have the Phoenix roadrunners to get me over my fix.

well, I am ecstatic on how the tigers started. I can't complain about the Indians as when your starter only gives up 4 hits yet loses, you can only tip your hat.

as for the d backs, the cubbies beat us so bad it felt like 3 losses :erk:
Damn you Melvin for keeping in Vasquez too long , although the cubs hit well against all the pitchers. I used to get nervous when my teams won that big as sometimes I used to joke that you should save some hits for tommorrow.